View Full Version : Post Holiday Blues?

27-12-09, 09:10
Anyone else suffering from this? Feeling really flat.

For the past month or so there has been such a big build up and now its over there is nothing to look forward to, The Christmas tree doesn't look the same without presents under it and to be honest serves no purpose now, Those Christmas songs that sounded so good on the 24th have lost there magic.

The feeling of excitement and happiness that existed for the past month has all gone, and all we are left with is cold horrible weather and presents that we don't really want or need.

Sure we have New Years coming up but in my opinion its even more overhyped than Christmas, I mean we are all suppposed to go out on New Years eve and have a jolly old time with loads of family and friends welcoming in the New Year, the reality for me is I'm usually in bed due to TV being so dire and not having any friends and not getting on with family.

27-12-09, 09:55
just think it will soon be spring i call that the beginning of the warm weather plants growing ,, sorry you feel like you do ,, try to take your mind o these thoughts ,,look forward ,, i wish you happy thoughts xx

27-12-09, 11:21
I think a lot of people whether they suffer with depression, anxiety or not, experience the post christmas blues.
I read that the Samaritans take more calls at this time of the year that at any other.

I do think christmas and the New Year can make those of us without family and friends feel 'left out' and make us feel even lonelier than at any other time. I seem to be surrounded by The Waltons type families around me too!!! I don't have my parents this year as they passed away in the past year, and I have no contact with any of my other family any longer, so I can relate to maybe how you are feeling. I have my son and my pets with me but at times I have felt so 'cut off'. I do like my own company, however it does make me more determined to do more with my life, and improve things for myself.

I used to dread Jan, Feb and March but what I have learnt to do is plan things for at this time of the year and it does make it so much bearable and Gypsywomen gave good advice when she said Look Forward. Next year may be a good year for you.

Do you have any plans for 2010? things that you would love to do but never have, places you have never visited but want to, arrange weekend trips away visiting places, maybe learning a new skill, getting a new job, getting involved in charity work, - maybe you could try them this year...just doing and trying things you never have.

I am aiming at doing a lot of things that I have never done before this coming year. I dont take life for granted and without being morbid, I think along the lines now of 'what if this was my last year alive'? How would I now be viewing life. After being so ill in the past couple of years, I now appreciate life a lot more.

There is nothing wrong with being in bed on New Years Eve with a good book or film. We don't all have to conform to the idea that we should all be out there getting drunk and partying, because it is the expected thing to do on New Year Eve. There are lots of other ways to celebrate or not celebrate that date.
Sorry for rambling...
Hugs to you.:hugs:

27-12-09, 11:59
I think lots of people feel like this - at work in January everyone's face is tripping them!!! Although it is a big come down I always get a nice feeling that a new year is about to start and can't wait to get out there and make plans!! It sure as heck can't be worse than last year!!!
Myra x

27-12-09, 13:12
Oh I agree for sure.I always feel that this time between xmas and new year is a kind of mental wilderness.Like a series of Sundays.And as for xmas,we can only ever feel down after its over simply because it is built up to be something incredible....as though we are about to undergo some kind of cosmic experience.What reality brings us is two or three days of eating rich food and in some cases drinking too much.If we are alone over xmas we have this isolation emphasised....and if we have family etc round we end up irritated and with a bad case of cabin fever.


expecto patronum
27-12-09, 14:22
LOL fishman, I was saying that exact thing to my sister just yesterday, that the last few days had been like one long Sunday (boring and depressing, and yet you feel like you should be enjoying having nothing to do, but can't). We decided to go and stay at my place to get away from it and 'chill out', and we had the most awful row last night; I said one wrong thing and then she made it into an argument and wore me down until I explained why I had said it, and then used the reasons I had given her as more ammunition against me :wacko: This has been the most stressful holiday ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sorry, I just needed to vent!
Thanks for the positive thoughts Poppy, they are very helpful :)

27-12-09, 16:05
snap I feel so much the same, hence me coming on here and was going to ask for support myself.
I love christmas and enjoy the children being excited, seeing the family and generally the company.
But today I am home alone with my little boy, hubby gone back to work and family are out doing other things and I feel so lonely.
This time of year I do find depressing and worrying about health things as I get bad IBS with all the food and drink and then worry I have something else wrong with me...
I feel really low today after such a nice christmas.
I am 40 next month and thats even more depressing, somebody asked if I was having a party, I am certainly not bothered about that!!
Where is everyone and why am I stuck here alone and miserable????
happy new year everyone...


28-12-09, 19:48
Yes-I hate this time of year. I've seen quite a few of my friends that I hadn't seen in ages. Then for the last few days there were lots of people about and today...nothing. Back to being on my own, which I really hate!

I used to have friends round to mine for New Year but it's kind of fizzled out the last years due to people finding partners or moving away due to work. I do intend to plan some fun things for 2010 but the thought of the next week before I go back to work is really getting me down.