View Full Version : Weird Head Feeling

27-12-09, 10:31
I've been getting these weird feelings in my head for a few months now, just now its like a pulsing sensation more so when i stand up and just a general feeling of pressure , im scared in case its a brain tumour does anyone else get symptoms like ive described? I do suffer from visual migraines so that's why im starting to think BT:shrug: x

27-12-09, 15:26
sounds like it can be anixety to me ive had those feelings a few times in my head... it was abit disturbing but it did go away! i hope you feel better soon :hugs:

27-12-09, 16:46
Sounds like postural hypotension to me - low blood pressure when you stand up. I get it sometimes if I stand up too quickly and I also suffer from migraines.

It's very unlikely to be anything serious.

27-12-09, 20:44
I feel the same, the last few days and particularly today I feel like my whole head is full of pressure but particuarly the front and now the bottom or my head/top of my neck. I feel really dizzy and on the verge of panic all the time and can't think straight. However my neck cracks when ever I move it far over to the left or right so I am hoping and trying to rationalise that it is muscular???

27-12-09, 21:14
I get it too when I stnad up along with feeling lightheaded

28-12-09, 13:39
Are you on antidepressants? They can cause low blood pressure on standing. Totally harmless.

Feel better soon

28-12-09, 14:04
I agree with Melancholia77 - sounds like postural hypotension. This happens to me all the time - especially when I stand up suddenly or get out of a hot bath. You can kind of feel a rushing in your ears along with a pulsing sensation.

Totally, totally normal, hon and not a sign of anything sinister. Promise :)

28-12-09, 20:18
Thanks guys, funnily enough i am on citalopram it has been better today, i just hate the pulsing and it makes things sound funny just for a wee minute though, i'll not worry as much now as other folks get it as well, thanks again xx

28-12-09, 23:25
This is almost exactly the reason why I signed up to this forum! I have been dealing with weird head senstations for over 2 1/2 months now. So far I have had: pulsating at the temples and back of my head, dull pain, sharp shooting pains, constant pressure that moves around to different areas of my head, and issues with my ears and eyes which I have been told is from all the tension and TMJ (I clench my teeth at night and have poppping/clicking in my jaw area). I have had a CT scan, tons of bloodwork done, and a full nuerological exam...all came back normal! I am beyond fusterated and know how you are feeling!:unsure:

29-12-09, 00:36
This happens to me. It's caused by a sudden change in blood pressure usually - particuarly if you have stood up quickly. It's very normal.