View Full Version : Here we go again.......:-(

27-12-09, 11:22
Hi Guys

Well i have.nt been here a while for about 2 weeks before xmas i was doing really well felt ok had my ibs under control was doing good i was so scared of being ill over xmas and spoiling it for my kids that guess what?.........yeah i got ill :weep: my ibs stopped responding to my medication and my constipation seemed to get worse i was feeling so so tired never felt that tired i had had alot of early mornings my hubby and i got upat 5.15am xmas eve to go asda to avoid the crowds not something i usually do also had a early morning xmas morning 6.15am as you do with kids i managed to keep it quite they did not know i was,nt feeling great....so many things are worrying me i am constipated i can not go toilet unless i take a glass of andrews before i go bed if i do that and take my medication i feel fine but the constipation worries me why can,t i go toilet? is that anxiety? or something more? my back still aches worse when my ibs is "off" also my left arm goes weak and feels weird especially when i am tired that seems better after a good nights sleep my head sometimes feels fuzzy i get confused and scared alot i was ok yesterday and i feel ok today because i took the andrews before i went to bed and i have been toilet but i am scared of why i cant go toilet and all i can think about is going soctors which scared me in itself please help guys :weep:

27-12-09, 14:58
im sorry your so scared.. it sounds like a really rough time for you..
lost of people suffer from ibs and i know its uncomfortable... nothing bad is going to happen to you from it i promise ... sometimes meds just stop working trust me i know.. i was taking acid reflux meds for years and oneday they stopped working.. sometimes we just have to switch over to a new medication for awhile... like i said a lot of people suffer from ibs and i know your scared and worry that it could be somthing more serious but thats anxiety for you.. it always makes us think the worst... i know you are just fine ... i also know your uncomfortable and feeling that way ofcourse is going to make a person anxious.. you will be fine sometimes we just have to go see a doctor he will probably just give you somthing stronger and it will be all over with really fast! i know this is a very hard time for you so if you ever need someone to talk to send me a message... ibs is something alott of people have... including me.. it sucks i know but when its all said and done you will be just fine.

27-12-09, 15:40
hi malv

Thanks so much for your kind words....i think i,m also anxious because it was a year yesterday since all this anxiety really started getting the better of me i had bad heartburn that day and i was scared because my sister was talking about taking me hospital i can remember it all like yesterday the more i try and be normal the more ill i feel and if i rest i feel as though i am letting it win it is such a battle in my head everyday which i know will make my ibs worse i am so hoping 2010 will be a better year i really am thanks again :hugs:

Cell block H fan
27-12-09, 15:58
Have you tried eating Satsumas big time? Or anything like that, Clementines, oranges etc. Those are really good at keeping you regular. If I have a alcohol night, I can be constipated afterwards, due to the dehydration. But ive noticed if I eat lots of citrus fruit, I say lots, even 2 a day would be benefiacial, then it kinda sorts itself out?
Are you in a lot of pain with it? Because as I said, I get it after a night on the booze, but dont let it bother me, then it sorts itself out within a couple of days anyway?