View Full Version : COPD (chronic lung disease)

Cell block H fan
27-12-09, 17:52
Does anyone worry about this? Was reading an article on Yahoo about it & the 2800 (I think thats what it said) people that have it at the moment & dont know it!
Ive always had a smokers cough. Apparently you can do a simple test at the doctors & find out within minutes if you have it.
Has anyone had this test?

27-12-09, 18:10
My mum has copd, however, since she gave up smoking 3 years ago it has got a bit better, as a smoker, i worry about it, but i need to give up smoking.

I have looked after so many people in my job with copd, you'd think i'd know better.

hopefully 2010 will give me the kick i need to give up smoking.

di xx

27-12-09, 19:25
My Dad died from COPD complications and he had been a smoker for many years. He was advised to give up smoking but never did and smoked a lot. The sight of him struggling for breath, unable to walk or do anything, becoming chair bound, using a nebuliser, and having to be in and out of hospital constantly towards the end put me off smoking for ever. He literally became unable to do anything. His doctor told me that he had hardly any lung capacity left. It was awful to watch.
My Uncle has COPD but became a lot better since giving up smoking and he is in his late 70's, so it is never too late to gain benefits from giving up smoking.

magpie girl
27-12-09, 20:02
my uncle had this and had oxygen tanks in his bedroom as he was unable to move around at all,but can i just say he never smoked in his life.MY old neighbour was diagnosed in 2007 she quit smoking joined a walking club and lost 4 stone!!!!! results her lungs are still bad but they have not got worse which doctors said would happen if she did not change life style:D:Dim determind to quit 2010

25-06-13, 17:10
Yeah. I worry about it a LOT.
However, I have been to the doc and he listened to my lungs and said they were all clear. I still cant shake the fear though:doh: