View Full Version : Had bad news. Death of my relative.

27-12-09, 19:48
I have just heard my nephew (he was 45 only 7 years younger than me) has ended his life. I'm feeling really sad and anxious. It's such a shock. Been feeling awful all over Christmas. It's almost like my body was expecting bad news before it even happened. Just wanted a few comforting words from all my friends on here.

magpie girl
27-12-09, 19:53
oh mojo im so so so sorry to hear your awfull news:weep::weep::weep: i cannot imagine the pain you are going through,im sendind warm hugs:hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:and hope you can stay stong through this terrible time xxxxxxx

27-12-09, 20:00
I am so sorry. The news of what happened must have been an awful shock for you.
I am sending you hugs and sympathy at this very sad time for you and your family.:hugs::hugs::hugs:

anx mum
27-12-09, 20:07
so sorry judy sending u a big hug he must of been so distressed must of been a shock too u.

27-12-09, 20:10
Hi. Im pretty new on here. Just wanted to say how sad I am for you and your family. My family has had experience of this. I was little at the time so didnt understand. It was my Aunty (mum REALLY loved her). It was easier for me being little than being 'grown up' coz I didnt quite understand the whys n wherefores. Trouble is at some point somebody will say, how could we not have known this was going to happen and guilt will creep in. Please please help each other to understand that nobody can. Its a very private choice that is made. The important thing is to grieve in your own way and ask for help if you need it. I wish you all the best at a difficult time.Take care.xx

27-12-09, 20:22
I'm so very sorry. Imagine feeling so unhappy that it's the only way out. It's so difficult to comprehend. I really feel for you and I'm very sad for your nephew. It's heart-breaking.
Myra x:hugs::hugs:

27-12-09, 20:28
i am sorry for your loss , your not on your own ,my friend died in feb ,my father nealy died in march but he/s ok now ,thank god and 8 weeks ago my brother inlaw died he was only 49 ,you have my greatest sympathy god bless and take care

27-12-09, 20:48
Thank you all for your kind replies. xxx

magic girl
27-12-09, 20:51
sorry to here of your loss judy,we are all here for you :bighug1::bighug1:

27-12-09, 22:09
i am so sorry to hear of this sad news. hugs to you :hugs:x

28-12-09, 15:20
Thank you Pollyanna and magic girl for replying too. I think we are all still in shock. It's so sad that he felt there was no other way out.xxx

28-12-09, 15:49
Thinking of you :hugs:

28-12-09, 17:39
Dear Mojo,
So sorry for your loss. Please try to stay strong, but give yourself time and space to grieve. Take care and know everyones here for you.
Thinking of you.

Granny Primark
28-12-09, 17:41
So so sorry for your sad loss.:hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:

Veronica H
29-12-09, 00:55
So sorry to hear this Mojo. Thinking of you and your family, take care.:hugs:Veronicax

29-12-09, 10:01
Thank you all so much for caring.xxx :hugs:

29-12-09, 11:14
so sorry to hear such sad news, sending big hugs xxxxxxxxxxxx

29-12-09, 11:45
Sorry to know of ur loss Judy its very distressing for the whole family - my neighbours brother did exactly the same thing just a few days before xmas and i know how they are trying to cope with the shock of it

Hugs for you :hugs: