View Full Version : Feeling Bad

27-12-09, 20:52
Had to post tonight because at present I am feeling really bad. The two nights before Christmas i over indulged in alcohol and it left me feeling so depressed and down throughout Christmas day. When everyone in the house was enjoying themselevs i just sat there feeling lifeless to the point that Christmas has just came and went. But the thing is that I have just not seemed to left my mood since that day. I have spend most of the time just stuck in my bedroom with anxiety and all the horriable physical symptoms that go with it.

I was supposed to meet up with my friend tonight but just coullld not face it, when he called i had to pretend that i came down with some bug and was feeling poorly. I think to then way i was a year ago and how full of life i was and that that life somehow has been sucked out of me. I have been attending CBT and that has been helping slighty but i have been told that i now need medication for further support and i will start them tomorrow (been holding on to them for a couple of days). I just cant stop crying at present as i know i should be out enjoying myself with my friend but this is screwing up my life.

i will try to think positive and spend the next few days getting myself back on track but when feeling down it can be difficult

andrea thompson
27-12-09, 21:04
hi hon
dont be too hard on yourself. we all get drunk now and again. i used to do it loads even though i knew it made me really ill and messed head up!! christmas is a really stressfull time for some of us. have a rest and give yourself time to recover from the tough time you have had. why not concentrate on the new year ahead and take one step at a time.. i am due back at work after a been on the sick for a few weeks and i am really quite worrried about if i can cope with it. i just going to take one step at a time. one day at a time and not let it get on top of me.
i hope you feel better soon

take care

andrea x x

magic girl
27-12-09, 21:17
iv spent the past few days in my bedroom feeling crap so your not the only one,hopefully the med will help you feel better but they can take a couple of weeks before you feel any benefit so persevire with them and i hope you feel better soon and don;t forget we are here for you:hugs::hugs:

28-12-09, 11:18
Hi there

My thoughts go out to you. I can absolutely relate to the way you are feeling and alcohol indulgence (see my previous posts over the last few days).

I have alot of experience with this as I am and have been in the past a heavy drinker. Alcohol is a complete downer, it is ok in small doses, but when we over indulge it is like poison in our system. Drink takes 72 hours to be totally out of our system, but whilst coming out of our system, it leaves you feeling terrible.

Try to stay focused on looking after yourself over the next few days, it is the demon drink that is making you feel like this whilst exiting your system.

I personally feel loads better today and much more positive, you will feel better each hour as your chemicals get back to normal.

Just PM me.

Hope this helps.

Jackie xx

28-12-09, 13:38
Thanks everyone for your replys, just taken my first dose of citalopram this morning and i feel somewhat spaced out, but read it is one of the side effects.