View Full Version : New and nervous!!!!

unicorn 0578
28-12-09, 01:08
Hello :)

I am Sarah from London. I live with my boyfriend who was diagnosed with Generalised Anxiety Disorder about 6 months ago.

I am interested in finding out as much as I can about how I can help him live with this condition. We are going through a lot of stresses generally. BF has split from wife 3.5 years ago and has 6 kids that he sees once a week, we moved 3 months ago and had to change GPs. The new one doesn't seem very sympathetic.

BF takes 40 mgs of Prozac but doesnt seem to do anything for his anxiety symptoms which have got worse in the past few weeks. I have never seen him so bad he is agitated, can't relax, constantly worried, bad stomach, chewing his fingers to bits etc. I feel very helpless and worried and don't know what to do for the best.

I feel helpless when I see BF struggling like this and I just don't know what to do to help him. Any ideas would be great.

Thanks for listening

Sarah x

28-12-09, 01:11
Hi unicorn 0578

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

28-12-09, 03:03
Hi. Welcome to nmp. There's lots of information on here to help. Please ask away if you have any specific questions. The best thing really would be if you can get your bf to come to the site and talk with some of us too. It might help him to know he's not alone.

28-12-09, 08:58
Hi Sarah,

You've done the right thing contacting this site. You'll get lots of support and advice and realise that you are not alone. The medication your partner takes does not seem to be helping him whatsoever. I think he needs to see the gp again. The gp might not be sympathetic but always remember it's their job to help us and they get paid very well, so don't worry about them. Agitation is a very difficult symptom to cope with and the gp should be able to help with this symptom too. Your partner is obviously going through a very difficult time at the moment but with the right help he should feel better through time. It's good that he's got someone like you for support. Lots of people on here have the same symptoms he's having so he can get reassurance from this.

unicorn 0578
28-12-09, 21:24
Thanks for your kind words, hopefully BF will access this site as well. I have told him about it and he seeems quite keen!

We have decided to make a GP appointment in the near future and go together so I can explain exactly what is going on. Hopefully this will be a starting point.

Best Wishes

Sarah x

28-12-09, 21:43
Hi. I joined this site very recently. You sound great. I have to tell you that Ive been with my husband for 26 years n suffered on and off for 20yrs! For the first time 18 days ago I 'allowed' my hubby to come to the clinic with me as I have been particularly poorly. What a difference it made. I WISH Id done it earlier. He feels less helpless, hes more understanding, N I feel like he really cares about be.Im not trying to get better on my own anymore. Its so hard alone!So, good on you. Hopefully this site will help both of you.xx

28-12-09, 23:04
He's very lucky to have you in his life...you being there for him when he needs you and getting support for this forum is a great start! I know that having support from my family has helped me tremendously through my issues with anxiety.

unicorn 0578
06-01-10, 00:14
Thanks for those kind words, the situation has worsened as BF has stopped taking his Prozac(40mgs). He has been off it a week but only told me last night!!! :mad: Stranglely he hasn't yet had an adverse reaction to this sudden stop but I am scared that he is going to relapse at any minute!!!!

I wasn't sure where to post this as I am new to this site. I have put a post in the Medication section buy had no replies..... so sorry if this is in the wrong place? .....

BF says he doesn't want to see the doctor and will re-start his meds tommorow but I am not sure what to expect if he does this.:shrug:

Any ideas or info would be greatly appreciated.


Sarah x

06-01-10, 01:52

I really can understand where your bf is coming from i often suddenly decide to stop taking the meds as when they dont seem to be working. You just want to feel like yourself!

Its very difficult coming of them especially when you just stop taking them but i would recommend that rather than start taking them again tomorrow (as this will probably make him feel worse) make an emergency appointment with his gp as it sounds like the meds he is taking are not working for him. If he has already been off these for a week it will mean that he can start new ones straight away rather than having to wait a few weeks to come off the ones he is on now and starting new ones. He will save himself alot of time by going now!

I know its difficult to go and see the gp but if he explains how bad he feels then they will help him...... he might only need a different anti depressant dont let him suffer any longer make him go and get new meds!!!
I know how hard it is maybe you could make the appointment for him and go with him as i know i wouldnt make the appointment when i am feeling really bad and would find it impossible to go without my husband practically dragging me there and although i get angry with him at the time i am always very grateful when i feel better!!!
Good luck x

unicorn 0578
06-01-10, 02:07
Thanks for your ideas, you have been a big help, I have decided to phone GP first thing and ask if we can see a different doctor for a second opinion. This worry about BF and having to deal with the doctor is causing me quite alot of anxiety, but at the end of the day I jusy want BF to feel better.

Thanks again

Best Wishes

Sarah x

06-01-10, 14:32
Thats great let us know how you get on! Good luck and make sure you explain how serious it is.....
I know its difficult for you sometimes it is just as difficult for the person who in a relationship with someone with anxiety as it is for them!! x

Veronica H
06-01-10, 14:34
:welcome:Sarah. There is a brilliant book by Dr Claire Weekes;SELF HELP FOR YOUR NERVES ISBN 0-7225-3155-9.This is available from the NMP shop. Dr Weekes was a physician and scientist. She was a fellow sufferer (nominated for the nobel prize for medicine) and really understood this illness. She took the mystery out of it, and devised a simple programme for recovery. I can't recommend this enough.I think both you and your partner would benefit from reading this. This will get better.

Here is a link to her site;


Your partner is very lucky to have you. This illness can be hard on loved ones.


unicorn 0578
06-01-10, 18:44
Many thanks for that link and info on the book it sounds like a great source of help, I am going to order it!:D

Update - BF decided not to see doctor, which I am a bit dissapointed about! But has re-started his Prozac and has agreed to continue taking. We talked lots as the atmosphere between us was a bit strained and have agreed to review things in a fortnight and then see if he wants/needs to see doctor.

BF is going to try a few things that might help for example swimming regularly, relaxing bathes etc

I am still worried but have to respect BF wishes and hope for the best!!

Best Wishes

Sarah x