View Full Version : Alternative way to deal with depression/anxiety/panic?

28-12-09, 04:48
Eating the right stuff can do wonders for the body, mind and soul.
I also find keeping two journals helpful. Everyone has bad days or hard times in life. The journaling that I recommend has two books, one for good days and one for not good days. My good day books are brightly colored and I put nice pictures on the front. My not good day books are plain. I keep the good day books and read them, the not good day books I burn. The idea is that you want to remind yourself of the good things so you keep them with you but the not good things should be released so they don't keep you down. If you use the idea, you should read the good day book (or part of it) everyday but the not good day book is not read. Once you write down the fear, irritation, hurt or whatever it belongs to the book, not you. I believe this helps in learning to let the negative go and build on the positive.
Once you use it for a while you find yourself using the plain not good day book less and less because you will find more positive things in your daily experience to write about. Say you overslept and were late for work, rather than being upset that you were late you will recognize that you got good sleep. This is a simple example but it works the same. The reason you will use the good day books more is because you will lose everything in the not good day books, you don't want to burn your life so you will find positive things to write about and therefore think more positively and eventually live and feel more positive. It's a process but one I've found rather useful.

28-12-09, 05:16
thins is a really good thing funny u should post this cause xmas night me my mom and partner wrote our bad worries down and burned it up. we dont want to be taking this worries and negative thoughts into the new year.

28-12-09, 12:36
This sounds a great idea. I did some dream therapy with someone once. He was having nightmares about another person attacking him. He wrote it down, then he "rewrote" his dream with himself overcoming the offender. We burnt the bad version. He didn't have the nightmare again.

20-05-12, 07:23
Seniors with psychological distress such as depression or anxiety are more likely to have physical disabilities, a new Australian study says. Regular physical activity, however, can protect against such problems.

20-05-12, 09:23
Sounds good