View Full Version : Feeling double my age

28-12-09, 13:14
Anybody else get this feeling? I'm 21 but feel 41 :wacko:Every little pain makes me think I'm wasting away. All year I've worried about my looks feel time is passing me by constantly. I just feel like a sack of potatoes not sure if it's because I'm not working and not out much. Mind you my last job made me feel old as it was all older people I worked with. I wish I was 18 again. :lac:

I know people say getting older doesn't mean it all goes down hill but it does I feel crap..maybe it's some anxiety I dunno..maybe some healthy foods might send some positive hormones to me? :doh:

Either way I don't feel 21..

margaret jones
28-12-09, 13:19
Phil poor you age is really just a number and even though you are so young i know what you mean . I am 65 and feel 95 so i understand your feelings but what can we do ??? just get on with it ??? and hope this anxiety will go and then we can all feel young again :hugs:

28-12-09, 13:39
Hi Phil,

I am convinced it is the anxiety. I am 27 and yet my 63 year old mother has stacks more energy than me. she is the one running around playing with my son and i am the one sitting in a chair with a blanket over me!

28-12-09, 13:47
You ain't alone on this one Phil.

I'm 23 and feel like I'm in my 50's I feel as if I have failed with my life which is dumb because I am still pretty young but hearing from family members about other people my age getting married and having kids, finishing university or having a fabulous well paid job and rolling in cash just reinforces the way I feel.

I'm sure they think if they keep telling me about the success of all these people it will suddenly inspire me but its doing the complete opposite and it just sucks the energy and life out of me.

I was planning on starting to work out again today myself but here I am typing this message with no desire to get up and do it!


28-12-09, 15:21
I'm the same! I feel tired and old. Feel like time goes by so fast and I've wasted my life away yet I'm only 20! Maybe it is anxiety or depression?

28-12-09, 19:19
Hi, Myra here, or should I call myself "the old codger" at 51!! There's absolutely nothing we can do about our ages, so we have to face facts and get on with life. In your 20's you have your whole life ahead of you and it's obvious that you are suffering an amount of depression if it gets you down so much. We can only help ourselves when it comes to this and get out there and do it. Nothing comes to us. I'd speak to your doctor about it and maybe get something to help. Life should be exciting when so young, not miserable. You'll never get this chance again. I lost my friend 2 years ago to cancer. She was 50, the life and soul of the party, out clubbing, buying clothes - one of those people who you could never imagine dying!!! Anyway she did die and it brought it home to me that you only get one shot at life, with anxiety or without. Please get some help to get some life again.
Myra x