View Full Version : Every day is different!!

24-11-05, 12:43
Hey everyone, i managed to go to work yesterday and was so pleased with myself. I was worrying about it all day but I walked to the bus stop, had a half an hour bus ride and walked another 20 minutes to work. It was horrible at times cos I could feel myself getting anxious and got an awful headache.

It doesn't make sense to me that today I couldn't make it into uni cos I was too scared. I have another lecture at 3 and I doubt I'll go to that either, I hate being stuck in lecture theatres cos I'm worried I'll panic or something will happen to me and I won't be able to get out. I also just hate the travelling there and back, I always have all these horrible thoughts that I'm going to die.

I guess you cant fix everything all at once!!

Becca xxx

24-11-05, 12:53
One step at a time Becca and it is often after a good day that you have a difficult one.

Learn when to push yourself and JFDI it and when to be kind to yourself..


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

24-11-05, 12:57
Becca, hi ya hun,

I am working on staying places if I feel panicky at the moment too.

I have started getting back out and about on a fairly regular basis now, I am working on trying to be more relaxed in these places.

I think because I so want to feel good, rather than just coping, is why I am doing not too badly with this.

Firstly I tell myself I want more than just to be able to manage, I then drop my shoulders right down and I breathe nice and deeply down into my tum. It's not easy but little by little its beginning to help. I also sometimes find somewhere to sit for a few minutes to calm myself.

Hope this helps a little.

Love Piglet :)

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.