View Full Version : Airplane Scares

28-12-09, 19:08
There have been 2 terrorest attempts this week ... and i have to fly on the 19th of jan.. i am about worried about it... i hate flying enough as it is.... i was hoping for some encouraging words or somthing! im flying back to australia to be with me wife and son im excited besides the fact i have to fly!:doh::shrug:

28-12-09, 19:18

i am not too keen on flying either, i had to fly to the states at the time when there was the last foiled attempt at terroism a few years ago, and also flying home from a holiday into glasgow airport just after the terror attack that saw the jeep crashing into the terminal building, i can understand where you are coming from in terms of the fear, but really when you think about it this is probably the safest time of all to fly , security will be at its highest, and no one will be taking any chances. try and keep that in your mind, there is no point in me saying dont worry about it cos you will, but just keep thinking of the facts and stay postive, and remember what is waiting for you at the other end, your lovely wife and son. :)

sending you good wishes, and good luck, you can do it...

ps Meant to say, the time i was flying back into glasgow, i had been in greece and my nerves where just recovering from an earthquake.... no kidding, so you can imagine how jittery i was then, but kept it in my mind, it was the safest time to fly... hope this helps you... x

P x:hugs:

fozzy is crying
28-12-09, 19:24

You have got better odds of winning the lottery than being in fear of being in a terrorist attack. Security is so tight they hit other areas now as well. Just think how happy you and your family will be when you see them.

Enjoy your visit to Oz. I have never been there and not much chance I ever will but I wish I could.


28-12-09, 20:43
thank you everyone for your replys... i always felt this way about planes but i read this morning a guy got arrested for a tempted terrorest attack and it really scared me.. when the plane landed he denated it.. and well it caught on fire it didnt explode and the passeners restrained him...:doh:

29-12-09, 03:07
i really hope they tighten up security before i have to go on a plane on the 19th of jan.... so i atleast feel safe... this is scary.. i hate all this blowing up planes and what not stuff... whats the point :wacko:

29-12-09, 06:15
My airplane phobia began shortly after 9/11. I've taken only one trip since then that requires flying (From California to Hawaii and back) and I was soooo nervous! The only thing that really helped me was that I brought magazines, my ipod, and it was the first time my then 3 year-old ever went on an airplane. So I had to be brave for her! One of my co-workers has a pretty intense fear of flying, and she takes a xanax (anti-anxiety medication) before she flies. She says it helps her a lot! Her doctor prescribed it for her once she explained her fear to him.

29-12-09, 08:14
Hi there

I used to have a terrible fear of flying, even though my husband is an ex pilot. After having a real long think about it, I discovered that it was feeling "shut in" just before take off. He sits and chats to me now when we fly and it seems to pass. I used to have a couple of Diazipam, but my doctor will not prescribe any of his patients these tablets for fear of getting addicted! I think I have taken about 7 of these pills in the last 2 years and he still won't give me them for a flight. Even though I am much better on planes, I would still like to enjoy the whole "airport" experience without feeling anxious.

You will be fine on your flight, think of what you will be getting when you land and that should keep you going. Remember, flights these days are all "fly by wire" so imagine the M1, planes were made to be in the air. With the increased security that is even better.

Wish I was going xx