View Full Version : Chick chick

28-12-09, 19:20
Lay a little egg ha ha ha

So booked a twixmas coach break and guess who saw the coach threw up ten tonnes of bile had a panic attack and could not go
Yes me

So now am left with 300 quid wasted and a marraige on the brink

any tips



28-12-09, 19:25
Aww what a shame - is it too late to catch up with the coach by train,e.g.? Was the trip for more than a day - could you still make it for part of the time? I really feel for you as you've panicked at the bitter end. If there's no way of having the rest of the trip then you'll maybe make this a new beginning for you. Tell yourself that you're going to see the panic through, no matter what, and go on that next trip. Although it seems like the end of the world it doesn't have to be. You can learn from this.

28-12-09, 20:02
Thanks Myra but can not catch up now
Oh well just another waste of time money and another win for panic



28-12-09, 20:27
Mike you are not chicken - you are someone with lots of anxiety and just couldn't go through with this at the last minute. Lots of us have been there. Travelling is a huge deal to lots of anxiety sufferers so it's understandable how you felt. It's just a shame you lost the money. Does the fact you were sick not mean that you could maybe make an insurance claim for the money back. If you were physically sick then of course you couldn't go on a coach. Anyway I hope you feel better soon and don't be too hard on yourself. You are only human.

28-12-09, 20:36
Mike believe it or not you are not the only one to have done this. When my daughter was 7, we lived 15 miles from our business. I got on a coach with her and my hubbie to go to Disneyland Paris. I'd checked at least 10 times before the coach arrived that I'd packed my meds and was feeling very shaky. I'd only been on it 5 minutes when I was sick in the onboard loo. To cut 20 minutes of arguments and tears short, I ended up being dropped off near the business and I phoned my Dad to come for me. OH and my daughter went on to Disneyland. It's never been forgotten.

However, I did try. That's all you can do. :hugs:

magic girl
28-12-09, 21:12
i did the same thing in the summer we spent 800 quid on a holiday for me ,hubby and our 8 year old son we were there a day and after a sleepless night and me not being able to eat and constantly rocking myself hubby decided it would be best if we went home as he feared i would have a breakdown if we stayed so dont beat yourself up about it its only money and at the end of the day your health is more important:hugs::hugs:

Veronica H
29-12-09, 00:51
:bighug1:I feel your pain Mike. I have thrown up on every type of transport over the years during our family holidays. I used to carry a plastic bag just in case. Most memorable was Wasdale Head in the Lake District when had to ask hubby to stop the car and just had time to leap out before the inevitable happened...sadly there was a force 9 blowing and I ended up covered in the stuff. My hubby, son and neice couldn't help me for laughing:blush: looked a right sight. The important thing is to keep getting out there no matter what, and when it doesn't pan out then try not to dwell on it too much.:bighug1:Sorry you have had to go through this though.


29-12-09, 01:11
I sypmathise with this. My girlfriend - or should I say EX GIRLFRIEND - was useless with my anxiety. She was never very supportive and this can make thigns worse. I feel much better now I'm with someone who understands...a fellow nutter no less!

But seriously, you are not a coward. The brave man is the man who faced his fears...you did that when you went on that trip. So, it didn't work out. So what? You gave it a go. And I get the impression you will try again...and then again - becasue clearly you are the kind of person who doesn't give up. I've got faith in you Mike - go and prove your wife wrong!

29-12-09, 08:19
I totally understand where you are coming from. Just posted on a members fear of flying too.

I remember about 3 years ago looking forward to going to Spain so much, just about to get on the plane and my feet would not move. My husband actually picked me up and put me in the seat. My panic was that severe that I could not speak and had tunnell vision. The staff on the plane were fantastic and after about 30 mins it gradually started to lift and I had a great time. I think my husband buying me lots of presents from the duty free on the plane helped:)

You can do it, what's the worse that can happen, you dont get on again? Well, keep trying until you do, my thoughts are with you xx