View Full Version : How many people

28-12-09, 19:22
Hi just curious how many people on this site worry that they are going to die of a heart attack and if you do worry how do you cope the reason i ask is because i have been told i have slight furring of the arteries but the doctor says theres nothing to worry about but every time i get a pain in my chest or an ache in my arm, chest , neck i think its a heart attack any comments and advice would be appreciated oh and MERRY XMAS TO ALL =)

28-12-09, 19:28
I think that if the doctor thought there was any danger then they would have sent you for an angiogram. My husband had this because of his arteries, but he had to get a metal stent put in his chest to open the artery up. Your doctor obviously thinks that you don't merit this so that's a very good sign. The discomfort you have is probably the anxiety of it all, which is understandable. We'd all feel the same. Try and relax now though.

fozzy is crying
28-12-09, 19:38
Myra is right. Doctor has checked you and he is happy so you should be as well.

I have had heart attacks and TIAs and so what? I still have a high risk of a sudden cardiac arrest, heart attack or stroke but Doctors well on top of it. Do I worry about it? NO!!!!

I do panic over lots of things and alone and housebound 61 and very lonely but there is always tomorrow and tomorrow is one day perhaps the end of my problems and will be happy and not alone. Meantime I am on here doing my little bit to help others if I can as so many members do also 24/7.

Relax and use your energy to enjoy every day of your life as best you can.


28-12-09, 20:30
You have to trust your doctors. If there was the slightest possibility that there could be something more serious they would have carried out further investigative tests.

I know you've posted before about heart worries, and I replied to one of them, but you really do need to speak to your doctor about your anxieties, because you don't want to be feeling like this all the time. Your anxiety is probably causing all your weird pains in your chest/arm etc - it's a viscous circle and you need to break the pattern.

28-12-09, 20:46
thnx for the replys i guess what u guys are saying if there was anything to worry about the doctors would have picked it up ages ago as i have had 50+ ecg's in the last 2 yaers at least and u guys say i should stop worring nad the aches and pains will go away.
One big problem i have is im not very active cause im scared of heart attack and im 5 stone overweight i want to lose weight and get healthy just scared that (a) if i do get healthy and the anxiety is still here whats the point. and (b) if i lose weight and get healthy and still have a heart attack it would all be for nothing

29-12-09, 00:12
I worry about having a heart attack all the time, it's my main anxiety. It started a few months ago after a panic attack and since then I've had over 20 ECG's. Echo's, Holter's, blood tests, you name it. Everything has come back fine but everyday I think I'm going to die from a heart attack.

If your doc gave you the all clear then you should trust him, this has been my biggest acceptance, because at first I didn't believe a word my doc was saying, I just thought he was fobbing me off, but I look back now and see different.

Your fine, believe your doctor. If he/she was concerned then you would be in hospital right now or awaiting surgery. Try and relax.

29-12-09, 00:30
They are always hot on heart problems. It's correct that if they had the slightest incling something is wrong then they get you straight down the hospital. I should know - I can't count the times I've rung for an ambulance with chest pain. They're usually round in 5 mins!