View Full Version : please help! bleeding after polyp removed

28-12-09, 19:33
Hi on Wednesday 23rd december I had a colonoscopy and had a polyp removed. The polyp was low down i think in my rectum. I haven't had a problem since until today 5 days later I went to the toilet and there was a fair amount of blood. I am also getting sort of cramps like period cramps but I am definately not on my period or anywhere near my period. I am really scared they have put a hole in my colon or something or torn me. I know if they have then i need immidiate surgery but how am I supposed to distinguish between what's normal and what's not? Has anyone ever had a polyp removed? Did they experience much bleeding after?

28-12-09, 19:37
I assume you had this done in a hospital? Phone the ward you were in and ask them for their advice. I work in a hospital ward and people do this all the time for reassurance. It'll stop you worrying about it because there's nothing worse.

Going home
28-12-09, 19:55
Hi alix

I think if they'd have perforated your colon you'd have known about it immediately not 5 days later, so I doubt very much its that. However, any bleeding after a procedure needs to discussed, so as Myra says, call the ward and have a chat to them just for reassurence.

Going home xx

28-12-09, 21:45
Thanks for your replies. it's too late to do anything now so my parents said to monitor it and if it's still bad tomorrow they will take me to the hospital (i'm 20 years old). I feel like i'm on the verge of a panic attack though because i'm feeling such bad stomach cramps and I'm too scared to go to the toilet now. I can't stop crying I'm freaking out so much. And I read that you can die from colonoscopies... would I have died by now? I'm so scared that they might have perforated me...

28-12-09, 22:11
I had polyps removed last year from my nose and was given fact sheet on how to treat any bleeding before leaving hospital because they said it would bleed and did for week or more, i would think much easier for me, had to wash out nostrills daily with warm salt solution i made up, wouldnt know how you could deal with your bleeding because different area but would have thought hospital would have advised you about the bleeding and how to care for it, sorry cant be any more help

28-12-09, 22:26
Hi Alix, im sure the bowel movement has been the cause of the bleed as you said you were ok up until then, and the cramps in your stomache are possibly due to an infection at the site of the removal of the polyp which can be treated with antibiotics, please dont be scared you are not going to die from this, my friend had piles:blush: removed which is similar and had an infection after it and was in pain ect, and she was fine a few weeks later,
as long as the bleeding isnt continuing now(like all the time) you will be fine.:hugs:
Love and Light