View Full Version : Is this possible?

28-12-09, 19:37
That by not panicking about my health issues my symptoms would get better?
Been trying for the last few days to think posotive about my continuous sore throat and what it could be, last two days the symptoms have subsided somewhat, now if it was something serious would the symptoms do this?

28-12-09, 19:44
I agree with you to a certain degree especially symptoms thats are caused by anxiety and stress.

With your sore throat, the majority of people i know has some kind of cold/flu symptoms at the moment due to the terribly cold weather, if you had your mind fixated on a certain symptom it magnifies itself. Are you taking any remedies for your throat?

I know from previous complaints like headaches, pins and needles, numbess, that the symptoms only dissapeared when i tried to be positive and not worry about them, worrying causes stress and obviously makes these symptoms worse.

fozzy is crying
28-12-09, 19:48
Similar to me. I was so busy on here over the last few days and not panicing not only have some of my health problems reduced I forgot to take my mental health meds. Only those for my heart. I was on very high levels of meds. Now not taken any of those for mental health for over 4 days now. No withdrawal symptoms and no blackouts and falls that I had dozens of times a day for the last few weeks alone.

Not suggesting anyone does the same in fact suggest they do not. I have 24/7 emergency cover because of my heart problem and discussed this with my Doctors and they are happy this has happened and ringing several times a day to monitor the situation. Still lots of panic and very lonely but coping better. Most of that down to all the lovely people on here.


Cell block H fan
28-12-09, 21:05
Ive had a couple of sore throats in as many months, with a couple of weeks break in between. But its alright again now. I didn't have any cold symptoms etc, just the sore throat, so I thought the worst!
Now its ok, I can put it down to a virus.
The mind is a very powerful thing though, so it is possible that not stressing about it can make symptoms better. Very hard to do though! x

28-12-09, 21:31
Thanks all for your replies, my throat has been sore and swollen for 10mths now tho! it did go away for a while (about 2 weeks) then came back and has been on my mind every day since, if only I could just forget about it even for a minute perhaps it would go away again!:weep:

28-12-09, 23:10
what did the doctor say about it?
when i was a child i always seemed to have a sore throat.
try manuka honey, they even use it to treat wounds in 3rd world places as it really can help the skin to heal.
have you had a allergy test?

29-12-09, 01:06
Well done! Seems like you are kicking the health anxiety bug...now, if only I could do the same! :)

29-12-09, 14:46
what did the doctor say about it?
when i was a child i always seemed to have a sore throat.
try manuka honey, they even use it to treat wounds in 3rd world places as it really can help the skin to heal.
have you had a allergy test?

Been to several docs and dentists and they all said it wasnt anything serious! well why would ENT want me to have a biopsy then?
Dont think its allergies, never had allergies before only to metal, just keeping up the "dont panic" routine as much as I can now, sems to be working until something stresses me out again! and boy do I get stressed:weep: