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View Full Version : Can't feel my legs?

24-11-05, 13:00
When I try to go into the panic to face it, my legs feal strange.
Today trying to go into the panic I could'nt feel them at all.
I read somewhere that to get to the root of panic you have to face it.
So that is what I'm trying to do. Can anyone explain this to me cos it;s
very strange?

24-11-05, 13:09
Hi Colin, I can't explain what causes the loss of feeling in your legs but I can reassure you you're not the only one to suffer from this. I often can't feel my legs when I have a panic attack, and for some reason its just the right one that goes numb a lot of the time. Sometimes I have to pinch it just to make sure its still there!

In my opinion it justs the brains way of dealing with the situation. When the body goes through trauma it sometimes makes part of the body numb to avoid feeling pain etc. I think it does something similar when we have panic attacks, as although we haven't been hurt or arent in danger of being hurt, the same hormones are flowing through our body producing the same reaction.

I may be way off the mark there but that's what I think anyway!

Hope you're ok, if u ever feel you need to chat at anytime feel free to pm me, i know what you're going through :)

Lotsa love Becca xxx

27-11-05, 14:45
Colin ,

Hope this has passed now.

It is very common to get numbness somewhere during panic . Its thoughts to be due to fight and flight the body keeps the torso and body core most prepared and thus the legs get a reduced service and just as when we're cold the feeling disappears or alters temporaily.

Also when your muscles are very tense the nerve endings buried within them can be not as sensitive and this leads to a loss of feeling

Also it is thought that the nerve endings alter their pattern of workings during panic and this is why you feel bits of you diferently.

Its is common and and it is temporary and not a cause for concern

Numbness in arm (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=2671)
NUMB ARM!!!????? (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=5535)
numbness?? (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=6456)
Numb Left Hand (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=6608)


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
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