View Full Version : Friends son re previous post now has meningitis

28-12-09, 21:40
I posted about a month ago that my friends son had pneumonia and pleurisy and was at deaths door in intesive care (he's29) he had a very high risk operation that noone had survived before and miracles he managed to get home just before xmas.
On boxing day he was rushed back into intensive care with meningitis - he has survived 48 hrs so they think he will live hopefully but how it will leave him if he lives is anyones guess. As you can imagine his mother my friend is distraught after all they have already been through.
I feel very guilty because she was saying that although they think the meningitis is from his original infection or has been introduced through one of the many lines or drains he had in from last hospital stay they are being catiuos and have given all this family who live in house with him antibiotics. She said anyone who doesn't live there and has only visited didn'[t need them - I paid a 2 min visit on xmas eve to drop off presents and didn't go past the hallway but my first thought was panic I called at the house. This is pure health anxiety and I am sure you will all understand my initial fears but how awful that my health anxiety should make me think about myself first!
As before please everyone if you are religious please pray and if not then please wish for this poor lad who has and is suffering so much.

28-12-09, 22:43
how awful, life can be so unfair at times, i will keep him in my thoughts, please dont feel bad about thinking of your own health, unfortunately that is the nature of the illness....


p x :hugs:

29-12-09, 00:08
Huge hugs Country girl :hugs:

I will pray for your friend's son. My niece has just recovered from meningitis. She has all her motor skills. Her speech is slow, but the doctors say she will relearn quickly. I hope the same goes for this young boy.

Concern for yourself is a totally natural reaction for anybody. not just an anxiety sufferer. It's the primeval human drive to survive. Please don't feel guilty.