View Full Version : worry about medication...

28-12-09, 22:07
hi all, iv been suffering from anxiety for the last 6 mths its driving me crackers, I'm 29yrs old but feel 129 my main problem is, i think coming to terms with the diagnosis iv been given. my partner keeps saying its your anxiety, its easy to say but to believe is totally different iv recently been prescribed fluoxetine 20mg to be taken once a day but when i talk to family about it they hear the word anti depressant and they automatically say i wouldn't start that stuff it'll turn you into a zombie and you wont be able to come off them I'm just after some advice if anyone can help:yesyes:

28-12-09, 22:13
hi hunter, i thought exactly the same about taking meds when the doc prescribed me some sertraline i went through all the pros and cons, but the one thing that swayed it was i just didnt want to keep suffering from this disorder.
your body will need to get used to them so please dont think they are going to work straight away but in time you will feel less stressed and the anxiety will ease.
You have to do this for you NOT your family but hopefully they will see how they are going to help you.
take care

29-12-09, 00:07
Wow...when you said you are 29 but feel 129, I could totally understand where you are coming from! I am 27 and I should be feeling great and enjoying my life, but my issues with HA have really prevented me from living life to the fullest. The first time I was prescribed an anti-depressant I refused to take it. I feared the same thing and was told by both my mom and sister that all the side-effects would make me feel worse then I was feeling. That was 6 months ago, but recently my anxiety has gotten worse and I am currently taking 30 mg of Nortriptyline (which was prescribed for my headaches, but it is also an anti-depressent). I started with 10mg, then a week later 20 mg, and now I am at a dosage that I am comfortable with. I am glad I decided to take the medication because I am beginning to feel better, although I still suffer with anxiety. But, I do have more good days than bad days. :)

29-12-09, 19:04
thanks for your replies :) another question can you drink with them?

29-12-09, 19:05

29-12-09, 21:24
I have friends that drink while on meds, but since my meds are taken at night and cause drowsiness, I stay away from drinking. That's been tough for me, because I always enjoyed a couple of drinks while out with friends. I think you have to ask your doctor if the medication you are prescribed would have any negative reactions to alcohol.

30-12-09, 23:14
thanks luv :D

03-01-10, 05:47
Hi There,

I thought you might find this interesting and useful.... an article in The Times yesterday about happiness...


One of the journalists is writing about Prozac and how it has transformed his life for the better. He is a happier, calmer person all round, he says.

I too am on meds but resisted for a while. They are starting to make a real difference.

Good luck.