View Full Version : Low Self Esteem

28-12-09, 22:15
Low Self Esteem

For the past few weeks my self esteem has gone down, and continues to.
i have notised my dad louseing his temper and saying things like "are you compleatly stupid" and "idiot". My mum says hes just stressed and he is mad because hes still trying to understand my anixaty (2 years later i might add) I know it isnt helping, the fact that im 14 and a TEENAGER !

I am also sporty and enjoy gymnastics and trampolining, i have always been very slim but never skinny. Yet at school people call me skinny, i told them to stop, so now they call me fat. I think, because somtimes i think its all in my head, and im going mad. m just so confused !!!

I have gained nearly half a stone recently and everyone seems happy, except me. Im focused on lousing weight. I skipped breakfast today, had a small sandwhich for lunch and som soup and 4 crackers for Tea.

I just was it all to go away, HELP ME !!!!!

28-12-09, 22:36
hiya hun, you say u r quite sporty, i was too at your age and i suffered and still do suffer with anxiety, sport will help u alot, it has helped me b more confident and positive and gives me more energy.

if u are exercising every day it is important that u eat properly as u are still growing, not eating enough can do so much damage, try having cereal for brekkie and low in calories, sandwich for lunch and small dinner with lots of veg, but dont starve your self as you will get tired and become ill.

my parents dont get me or my anxiety, infact my mother suffers with it herself, but will not deal with it, she just clams up and my dad is quite old fanshioned and get know how to deal with a daughter, it took me a long time but i now do what what makes me happy and sod the rest, i try to tell my son who is 13 that it doesnt matter if u feel u dont fit in, or not good enough, just b yourself, do well and in later years u will b the cool one, with a good job and a nice life, not them.

luckily he is quite mature in that sense and can see that so he just gets on with things and i try to support him as much as i can, your dad just dont understand and mayb never will but it dont matter cos eventually u will live your life and do the things u want to do.

Dont forget other kids get jealous when others can do things they cant or have nice figures or r clever and they can b awful, thats the awful world we live in, but not all r like that, just focus on what u want to do with your life and set yourself goals. hugs xx