View Full Version : im fed up of this now

28-12-09, 23:22
hey all sory to badger on but i fink i need to clear it all out of my system..im just soo fed up of feeling like this.. all my friends n partner sit ther n say come on ur 20... snap out of it.. i bloody wish i cud! why cant people understand u just cant get "better" cus u want to!

having such a bad few weeks and to be honest at this very second the only thing i can think about is my baby and she is probably the only reason i grin and bare all this crap! i just dunno wat to do any more,, i have anti-depressants sitting in my draw but i dunno if i want to take them.. do i need to? omg god knows! i feel such a bloody mess! im so confused wha to do... i duno if this post even makes bloody sense! grrr

28-12-09, 23:59
:hugs: "snap out of it" ought to be deleted from our language! It is the most infuriating saying and no help at all. People who haven't felt as we do just can't understand. Because we look OK they think we can act fine as well. I wish it was that easy!

Have you tried to calmly and quietly tell them what it feels like for you? If you can't talk about it, maybe you could write down your feelings to help your partner understand. Many of us have children who have been our reason to exist and get up in the morning. I can be having a dreadful day, but if my daughter rings, I'm able to help as she needs. It exhausts me, but I do it somehow. How old is your baby girl?

Have you talked to your doc or the Health Visitor about the possibility of post natal depression? The doc prescribed the anti-depressants because he thought you need them. Perhaps you should see him again to discuss your reluctance to take them, then trust what he advises you to do.

29-12-09, 00:02
I can understand how you feel. I'm 25 and my anxietys been going on since I was 20. I've been with my boyfriend for 7 years and he along with my family and friends have all told me at least once to 'snap out of it'. If only!!! On one trip to A and E due to anxiety the doctor said to me ' you're young and pretty - no need to feel like this is there!' It made me feel like complete cr@p that even a doctor couldn't understand!!! Take your time chick - take the pills that you have been prescribed and you might feel better. This forum is great if you need to get anything off your chest, everyone's really understanding. Take care xx

29-12-09, 00:17
i have tried to talk to my doctor and he says.. if you had a chest infection and i said take these tablets and u will get better u wud.. so ur gonna take these tablets n get better... to bloody hell am i when he acts like that! he sent me away to see a councillor who sent me crazy! she made me so mad! lol then i saw a man councillor who at first i was reluctant to talk to but he was brilliant unfortuanally my sessions ran out so i dont see him any more but he found out that i am nt suffering from post natal depression its a depression over my daughter- i hate leaving her or the idea of leavin her.. and i always live in fear that people are gonna take her away from me.. which has made me paniccy.. got so bad i couldnt walk round the corner to shop alone..i hate being alone in my own home!

i have spoke to my doctor many times and his response is.. "if i said u had a chest infection u wud take medicine so u will take these tablets n get better" erm.... to bloody hell will i!!?!? i got my self into this mess and i want to be able to get out of it..

as for my partner... he seems to pick and choose when he wants to understand and alot of the time he is the one winding me up! lol we have been together 3 and half years and our daughter is one.. soo beautiful and soo well behaved!

although when she was tiny she was very poorly.. they fort she has meneghitus... luckily it was just a nasty winter virus.. but ever since that day i have been like this.. and u must understand why.. having a doctor make u hold ur 4 week old baby down while done a lumberpuncture and inserted a drip! it haunts me for life..as soon as she gets a cold i panic! she is so good and i often believe i dont deserve her.. god im babbling on now... thank u for ur kind words of support x

magic girl
29-12-09, 16:26
i don't care what anyone says looking after babies and children is a full time job that is 24/7 not 9 to 5 and with your little girl having been so poorly in the past im not suprised you feel like you do.if your not happy with your g.p then please try another one i know from experience that doctors are all different in their attitudes to depression so find one who is more caring and understanding and ask for someone from your local mental health team to visit you at home,i hade a mental health nursr come to me when my son was young and she was fantastic and also dont be afraid of medication it saved my life and you dont have to be on them long i think a lot of scaremongering goes about regarding anti depressents.:hugs:

31-12-09, 00:02
thank u magic..

im a full time mum and i work in a nursing home so i have to balance alot.. i knwo other people do it but i find it hard.. keep thinking about medication and keep taking them out the draw but for some reason i cant bring myself to take them.. going to ring doctors in the morning see if i can get an appointment.. i used to have a health visitor see me every week but she referred me to a councillor and not seen me since.. seemed like she gave up on me.. like im never gonna get better.. my dad uses this site and my mum is very ill so i dont tend to talk to them about my problems and i feel they have enough to deal with..As for my partner he doesnt understand..i got caught self harming just before christmas which few people know i have done before but he just said"just dont do it again" i felt like turning around and saying yes daddy :P instead i said if only it was that easy..
