View Full Version : Sleep Paralysis? (maybe?)

24-11-05, 17:39
The last week or so, when I have been waking up from sleep that's lasted for more than 5 mins or so, I have been unable to move. I experienced something similar to this on and off last year, and it was so occasional, I guess I kind of let it pass. It is scaring me now that it is happening so often. and seemingly for longer... and also when I have called out for my friends (when sleeping during the day) they haven't heard me. I am not sure if this is because they just didn't, or because no sound is coming out?!

Just wondered if anyone had any advice really, because the experience does seem to be getting worse, and I have hallucinated a few times with it too.


24-11-05, 21:52
Hi there,
I've had this before, I didn't get the hallucinations though. I had it once years ago before I was ever anxious and since then I get it every now and then. I once had it a few times in one night or a few times a week, then I can go months and months without it happening. I know it's scary but it won't hurt you. It feels like forever but only lasts a few seconds.
I used to feel like I was moving my body and screaming at my husband, he couldn't hear me at all because I wasn't making any noise and that's normal. Now I just try and move a muscle - a finger, an eyelid or anything and I come out of it. It happens because you wake up in the dream stage of sleep. When we are in dream stage sleep our body is paralysed so that we do not act out our dreams. If we wake up just as we are coming out of that stage we are paralysed for a few seconds still.
Very rarely it is part of a sleep disorder but it doesn't sound like you have that. Sleep paralysis happens to many healthy people for no obvious reason. If you're still scared and it happens alot you could mention it to your doctor for reassurance.
The only tip I have is to sleep on your side and not your back, experts say it happens much more if you lay on your back for some reason and I find that to be very true. Also try not to think about it, I know it's scary and I used to go to bed wondering if it would happen tonight, but if I forgot it, it often didn't happen. Some people I'm told even learn to enjoy the experience!
Take care,

24-11-05, 21:58
Hey Hannah, I get sleep paralysis every now and again. It seems to happen more often when I've been dozing rather than coming out of a deep sleep.

When you go to sleep your brain paralyses your body so you don't move around in your sleep and hurt yourself. Usually it switches your body back on before you wake up, but sometimes you wake up before your body turns off this paralysis which is why we get sleep paralysis.

There's nothing to worry about it's just one of those things. I know it can be scary at times but it won't do you any harm.

Hope this helps :)

Lotsa love Becca xx

25-11-05, 17:56
Thanks for the reassurances. It was just that it was happening so often. I am also glad that it seems common to some extent, and the not being heard is normal!!

I might go and see my doctor if the hallucinations keep happening with it though! Because they are bloody terrifying (and unfair when you have just reassured yourself that there is nothing to panic over!)

Thanks again!