View Full Version : Normal Irregular heartbeats or...?

29-12-09, 00:23
When my anxiety/panic started I was taken to hospital by ambulance. My heart rate was fast and I remember the paramedic showing me a way to slow it down. I'll try and describe it as best I can, he said to close your mouth, stop breathing and push (as if you were pushing a stool I guess:blush:) which does actually work at slowing your heart down. Although I don't use this method really, I just tried it once or twice.

Since then I've noticed something that leads to this type of action (Stool movement or whatever:blush:) I get irregular heartbeats afterwards. Just for a minute or 2 and then goes back to normal.

Does anyone else get this?
I've had many tests on my heart, but this one is starting to worry me of late as I'm afraid I have some sort of arrhythmia. All the tests came back normal by the way, but I'm still worried.

My boyfriend said it's normal and happens to him but i'm curious to see if this happens to anyone else.



29-12-09, 00:32
It's quite common to get irregualr heartbeats. I get skipped beats all the time. Naturally, being a hyperchonriac I've been to the drs/hospital a million times! If you are worried get a 24 hour ecg done. It'll put your mind at rest. If there is something wrogn with you that will defo find it...but really, you're fine. if there was somethign wrong with you you would have a plethora of other symptoms...hope this helps :)

29-12-09, 00:38
Thanks for replying Andy.
I had a 24hour ECG fitted a few weeks ago, have to go back on the 6th of January for the results. The irregular beats did happen when I had the Holter on so hopefully it comes back normal. If there was something wrong do you reckon they would have contacted me by now?

29-12-09, 00:54
Yeah, if there was something to worry about. They don't mess about with heart problems - I should know. I'm a little embarressed to say that i have called the ambulance on several occassions regarding heart pain and they turn up in five minutes flat! They insist on taking you in, even if your symptoms are gone. They have to check and they won't take risks.

You will be ok, I promise. And to be honest, even if there was something wrong with you (very unlikely thought), it probably is immediatley dangerous and most of these things can be regulated with medication. But that is real worst case scenario.

29-12-09, 00:55
Sorry, that was meant to be WON'T be immediatley dangerous!

29-12-09, 10:24
Yes - if anything dangerous had shown up, they'd have had you straight in. No news is good news with these tests. Imagine a doctor checking over some results, seeing something dodgy and thinking "ah well, it can wait a few weeks..." Wouldn't happen, right? They'd lose their job!

These ectopic beats are odd things. Totally harmless but totally scary :( I think what's happening with you is that, when you do your "push" thing (good tip, btw) you're in a state of tension - and your heart reacts to it.

Ectopic beats are NOT a sign of anything worrying. If your heart was struggling, you'd know it. You'd be noticeably unwell.


02-01-10, 23:50
Hi everyone,

Im going back to the hospital on Wednesday for Holter Monitor results.

Has anyone on here went for the results before? And if so, what happens?

I just thought they would send the results to my doctor but I guess I was wrong. I'm not concerned though as they sent me the appointment before I had the monitor fitted.

Any questions I should ask the doctor to put my mind at further ease?

