View Full Version : Hello!

29-12-09, 00:24

I'm 25, had anxiety for about 6 years. It does tend to ease and then get worse again - currently it's not great. Mainly it centres around my health. You know, the usual: heart (I must be having a heart attack!), head (strokes is a favourite!), blood clot, stomach problems (I think it would just be easier if I did get my appendix removed - that would stop me blooming worryign about it bursting!).

I do try to take it all with a smile...not always easy as I'm sure you'll agree. I've pretty much tried everything. Relaxation tapes, therapy, Rescue remedy, Kalms, breathing, meditation, books, green tea, redbush tea, increasing GABA in my diet...the list goes on. Some things work, some don't. Please, if you have any suggestions, I'll give anything a go once!

The only thing I haven't really bothered with is pills...I always end up worrying about getting the flipping side effects! :huh:

29-12-09, 00:25
Hi Andy84

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

29-12-09, 00:33
Thank you Diane!

I hope so. Always good to talk to fellow sufferers!

29-12-09, 00:41
Hello Andy,
Welcome to NMP. Youll find this site extremley useful. Ive found it a great tool in helping with my anxiety.
Im very similar to you. I also suffer with health anxiety in a big way and Im terrified of being unwell and ending up in hospitals and things like that. I have the usual worries like you - cancer - tumors - infections, the usual things.
I hope you find the website useful.


29-12-09, 00:44
Thanks Jono. I'm sure I will. Seems like Health Anxiety is the disorder to have based on how many are viewing it right now. At least we are not alone.

29-12-09, 01:12
Hi Andy! I totally understand where you are coming from. I too suffer from HA, and it can really be a fusterating thing to deal with. I was very against taking pills too, but my last panic attack was truly awful and I also had tried everything else. The medication has helped some (and I have not experienced any ill side effects yet) but I also find comfort in talking about what I am feeling with family and my therapist. Hope you find the support and advice you seek here!:)

29-12-09, 01:20
Thanks...are you a teacher as well or is your avatar a reference to something else? If I have jumped to the right conclusion here, how do you find teachign with an anxiety problem? Does it ever affect your work? It does me, I have to say. At times it's worse in teh classroom to be honest.