View Full Version : Getting fed up with all of this

29-12-09, 02:45
The new year is approaching fast and its making me reflect/dwell a little more than I would like.

I have had an inner ear disorder since February and it has made me feel terrible. I never had HA until this happened. I woke up with vertigo and lightheadedness. After 3 months of testing they determined it was labyrinthitis and I just have to do balance exercises until it goes away.

I was doing better, but in October I had another dizzy episode. Ever since then I have had a lot of abdominal pain and pain in my legs. I don't get as panicky as I used to, but I am really starting to get worried about the abdominal pain. I had an abdominal ultrasound in April, but that was before I was experiencing the pain.

My sister had gallbladder attacks a lot I had to get hers removed 5 years ago. Often after eating I experience some of the same symptoms as she did (pain in back, sharp pain on right side under rib cage). So that's what I am worried about.

Anyways, I always seem to know someone that has some sort of issue. I know someone who died of a brain tumor, my sister died after an organ transplant, my friend got a horrible cold and ended up having to get a pacemaker after the cold attacked his heart, etc, etc. These things are making my HA worse, not better. These things have all happened in the past 2-3 years.

I just want to ring in the new year and have a healthier year. I want to have a day where I am not dizzy, don't feel any weird pain and can exercise without worry. I am tired of going to the doctor. I still have to do balance exercises and I can't even run or ride a bike. I don't even do 25% of the things I used to anymore.

Sorry for the rant. I am not even sick of the panicking anymore, because it doesn't happen much, its the constant dull pain and feeling like crap that I just don't want to deal with anymore. :doh: I feel like I am not even the same person anymore. I hope someone can relate.

29-12-09, 03:04
The only time I don't feel like crap is when I am sleeping. And I don't even like doing that. Bleh.

29-12-09, 03:40
Man, that's rough. It must be hard to rationalise HA when you have so many people close to you getting ill like that. Did you ever seek any help? Councelling etc? It seems like there is a really good reason why you might have HA? Then again, that is probably the most stupid question anyone has ever asked you! Lol. Of course you probably have! Anyway, I know it's tough. I hate it. It's ruining my life!

29-12-09, 03:41
I feel so sorry for my wife. Bless her, she's been up and out of bed all night with me. Poor girl is so tired.

29-12-09, 03:42
I am doing CBT right now, no meds, I had a bad experience with Lexapro earlier this year. It seems to be going okay, I still have these annoying irrational episodes. Maybe its because of the holidays this time. I don't know, but it is a pain in the you-know-what.

29-12-09, 03:49
Yeah, I know what you mean. I'm seeing a hypnotherapist and this is making a difference. She's on holiday right now as is my mum and I think this is adding to my anxiety. I've never used drugs either. As long as I can cope - though I use that word loosely given the state I just got myself in! - I don't want to use them. I guess I'm wprried about being reliant on them and beside, I'm a hyperchondriac! I'll no doubt have just about every side affect going!

29-12-09, 03:50
Did you have a good Xmas by the way? While I'm up I may as well be freindly :)

29-12-09, 04:49
I can totally understand how you feel! My dull pain takes the form of a constant headache and it's sooooo fusterating! I just want to forget about feeling like crap all the time and enjoy life again. I know it's hard, but all we can do is keep trying (by getting support, keeping ourselves occupied, ect) and not give up! Personally, I can't hear about someone getting sick or dying without becoming overly worried that the same thing is going to happen to me. :weep: