View Full Version : constantly aware of automatic body processes

24-11-05, 18:05
This has always been one of my main symptoms ... when I feel stressed and anxious, I immediately start thinking about my breathing, swallowing, blinking, etc. - all of which are automatic body processes and should happen naturally without me even noticing them. However, I seem to be constantly aware of them and it drives me insane ! I'm not sure which comes first - the anxiety, followed by a constant awareness of the automatic process, or is the awareness and the inability to stop thinking about it that's causing the anxiety? Could it be an OCD trait? Or is it anxiety related? Or is it a whole other issue? Can anyone relate to that? I feel like I'm the only one who is constantly aware of their breathing and swallowing.

I'm panicking right now. What is wrong with me???

24-11-05, 20:24
Please don't panic

I get like this a lot. I notice my heart my breathing my tummy churning and i even try thinking about how and why i can taste/smell/see. It's definately anxiety related. When you're anxious your body is on high alert and the more you concentrate on something the more prominant it becomes and then you worry about it so it gets worse so you notice it more etc etc. Try distracting yourself. It can be quite hard but just get on with whatever you're doing and try and ignore it.

I hope this helps a little

Please don't worry about it :)

Sophie xxx

28-11-05, 11:38
I know that nothing bad will happen if I stop being aware of my breathing /I still breathe even when I sleep, right/ but I'm not sure how exactly to stop thinking about it since it's always there no matter what I do. I think I manage to forget about it when I'm more relaxed, it's like then I don't need to do it and can focus on other things. But I totally freaked out this week, couldn't eat, couldn't sleep, etc. becaue the last couple of days I drove myself crazy with worries that what I have is OCD + I read on the internet that some people are aware of their breathing for 20 - 30 yrs. If anyone could please help with advice I would really really really appreciate it.

P.S. Beathing exercises make things even worse because they make me more focused on breathing.
Oh and another question - sometimes when I hold my breath I feel like I don't need to breathe in and could easily choke? Why is that? Is it possible to kill myself by consciously thinking about how I breathe and thus making my heart stop?

28-11-05, 14:08
*Is it possible to kill myself by consciously thinking about how I breathe and thus making my heart stop?*

No .