View Full Version : Hoping someone has some answers

anx mum
29-12-09, 10:06
Most of u know ive been suffering from headaches since aug pretty much constant was admitted to hospital where had lumbar punture, ct scan, mri scan all came bk normal was discharged still in alot of pain with no answers:ohmy:. Was put on pregabalin which seem to help abit was able to work and cope with headaches. Then about a month ago my right eye kept weeping like i had a cold in it, my face was really numb not to touch on right side and my right eye wouldnt close fully. Had a crooked smile couldnt whistle saw a neuro who dianogsed me with bells palsey never heard of this before felt like i had some sort of stroke. Following that i devloped pain in my knees couldnt kneel on floor if i at down my legs would really hurt woke up with this pain. Also developed cramp in legs when walking was limping. Doc perscribed me steriods for th bells and my face has improved and i no longer have pain in my legs. Now i am feeling v dizzy and like i havent got enough air i cry everyday:weep: thinking what the hell is going on just want 2 b well. Noone in my family seems 2 understand really im at my lowest.

29-12-09, 11:33
Aww hun u really going through it. sorry i not been around as much to listen but all my time is taken up at the hospital

i be on line tonite if u want to chat


love mandie xx

29-12-09, 11:55
could be the steroids ,it will ease or it could be anxiety being high ,, if the hospitel done all those tests .there is nothing wrong with your brain ,,love m

29-12-09, 13:40
I agree with gypsy, I have been on steroids before and they made me have weird sensations and made me extremely weepy and cranky. Maybe part of the reason you are feeling dizzy is the intake of air? Do you notice that you are breathing fast or holding your breath? This makes me dizzy when I am nervous or worried...and then it all makes it worse.

I hope you feel better.

29-12-09, 14:34
My cousin is on steroids for a lung condition and on top of that she takes azathioprine which is an immunosuppressant.

The steroids make her very moody and emotional and she gets anxious easily (she never had anxiety before). Pregabalin can make you dizzy and I get it too sometimes.

I think the steroids have messed you up a bit emotionally. When you come off them I hope you'll feel better again. You should take comfort in that you've had all these tests and nothing serious has been found, although I know what you're going through is horrible Bev.