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29-12-09, 10:24
Hi Guys

I woke up at 5.05am this morning with heartburn i get this sometimes although i have not had it bad since boxing day last year it is usually when i eat red peppers that i get so i obviously stay clear of them

The only thing i ate that i dont usually last night was dry roasted peanuts has anyone ever heard of these giving you heartburn or is this the beginning of something else? i feel ok this morning little sick have something stuck in my throat but ok apart from that

Any Help guys please thanks

29-12-09, 10:28
Anything can cause heartburn - I had it the other day after eating Readybrek!!

Are antacids helping? If not - try some cold fresh milk. That works for me.

Worrying about heartburn will make it worse, unfortunately. The moment you start to get tense. your tummy starts churning and produces even more acid. Not nice :(

That feeling you have that something is stuck in your throat is classic anxiety. It may be that the acid has made your throat a little sore (harmless, but annoying) and your owrrying mind has latched on to it - as our worrying minds tend to do.

Eat lots of bland foods today, relax and you'll be as right as rain in no time :)

29-12-09, 10:29
LOL - owrrying = worrying :)

29-12-09, 10:35
Hi Bornworrier

Thanks so much for your fast reply i will deffo take your advice thanks again :)

Cell block H fan
29-12-09, 11:15
Hi Guys

I woke up at 5.05am this morning with heartburn i get this sometimes although i have not had it bad since boxing day last year it is usually when i eat red peppers that i get so i obviously stay clear of them

The only thing i ate that i dont usually last night was dry roasted peanuts has anyone ever heard of these giving you heartburn or is this the beginning of something else? i feel ok this morning little sick have something stuck in my throat but ok apart from that

Any Help guys please thanks

Peanuts are real good protein apparently, but notoriously annoying on the digestive system. My mum cant eat them at all, she gets terrible stomach cramps & acid indigestion. Even though she likes the taste of them x

29-12-09, 11:18
Hi Cell block h fan

Thanks so much for your reply thats all i want to know whether anyone else has ever had problems with peanuts i only eat them at christmas but i won,t be anymore thanks again :)

29-12-09, 13:08
Hi ScaredCaz, I had the same thing last night, woke at 2am with acid in the top of my throat, I took some gaviscon. I had eaten some chocolate with nuts in and it is the only thing I ate that I think could cause it.

29-12-09, 13:15
It is probably the salts in the dry roasted peanuts, as they are loaded with salt, that have made you have heartburn, or maybe just the peanuts themselves.
I can't tolerate peanuts at all - they make me feel sick and give me a really bad stomach afterwards, so I avoid them. I am the same as you too, and can't eat red peppers as they really upset my stomach and give me heartburn.
Do you have any antacid that you can take to see if it helps? I always find that peppermints help with heartburn too, or Peppermint tea. Ginger and bananas (not together tho!) are good for upset stomachs and nausea.
Hope you soon feel better.

29-12-09, 13:16
hello, yeah, peanuts are really bad for setting off my stomach, i usually get a sore stomach for hours after eating them! sometimes eating a slice of dry bread and drinking a glass of water helps me. hope you feel better soon!

29-12-09, 13:43
Like others said, peanuts can be hard on the GI tract. Especially if you ate them pretty close to bedtime and if they were pretty salty. Actually, I have been told by a GI specialist that you shouldn't eat less than 2-3 hours before bedtime. It makes my acid reflux/heartburn awful if I don't follow that rule.

29-12-09, 14:13
I know peanuts can be loaded with salt but didn't think they were bad for stomach (not that I eat them much). I wonder whether it's the same for other nuts, because I love walnuts and have never had stomach problems...

29-12-09, 18:08
I've never had a problem with walnuts, but peanuts and cashews always make my stomach hurt because the salt and seasonings. Which stinks, because I like cashews a lot.

29-12-09, 18:16
I've ate peanuts the last two nights and had to take my stomach medication this morning. My stomach is so uncomfortable and I felt sick all day at work. I love peanuts too but they are obviously one of those things that irritate your digestive tract.

Cell block H fan
29-12-09, 19:43
Does anyone else get problems with Mango's? They make me feel queasy for some reason. I haven't eaten them for years now because of that, but I do love the taste of them! Is mango a common one to make you feel a bit yukky?

29-12-09, 20:34
Hi all

I can,t eat red peppers,bananas also give me belly ache fruit in general does but not all the time and sometimes crumpets but i think that depends on what butter i use my sister can,t eat anything with egg in because she shakes gets stomache ache and sweats it is weird how different things cause different things for people