View Full Version : Anyone else taking lexapro? has it stopped working?

29-12-09, 11:49
hi people, After a really bad breakdown dr put me on 10mg lexapro and upped it to 15mg after 4wks. I have been taking it now for 2 months and the panic is coming back and the depression is no better. It's like my adrenal glands wore out and have now started to work again despite the lexapro. I have even been having some dark scary thoughts again. Is anyone else taking this for panic/anxiety/depression?

29-12-09, 11:53
Hi rooby, im taking lexapro, have been for three months. I have not noticed it not working, but ive noticed im changing... feeling more depressed?

You should definatly speak to your doctor about this. Could it be something in your life has changed to make your anxiety flair up again, rather than the medication not working? x

29-12-09, 11:59
Yes there are a few issues to deal with at the moment, but it just seems too much brain effort to deal with them and then that makes me feel worse and i get terrible physical feelings in my body along with the anxiety. I can see the dr just putting the dosage up again.

30-12-09, 12:38
Lexapro has a very long half-life in the bloodstream, so it takes several days of daily doses to ramp up to effective levels, and it slowly ramps down when you stop. Two side effects of Lexapro reported often are weight gain and difficulty achieving orgasm. Some other taking Lexapro also report "brain zap" , like a sudden "jolt," likened to an electric shock, apparently occurring or originating within the brain itself.

I hope this is useful for someone. I'm not a doctor and not prescribing Lexapro.