View Full Version : Considering Medication - Please Help

24-11-05, 18:08

Looking back my anxiety is certainly getting worse, I cant remember the last time I had a symptom free day. I only used to get symptoms once a week at the most a couple of years ago. It is taking over my life at the moment, I think I am kidding myself that I am leading a "normal" life. Basically i'm thinking of going to my doctor to be put onto medication. Does anybody know which would be best for my anxiety (I suffer with light headed/dizziness, headaches, palpitations ectopic beats etc and maybe depression) , also what are the down sides to meds? Thanks for reading.


24-11-05, 18:14
Hi Richard,

I'm sorry to hear that you think you are slipping.

Why do you think it is getting worse?

Meds to me might help you but they aren't the answer by any means. have you considered some more natural remedies to help you in the meantime? Maybe some daytime valerian? or rescue remedy or SJW.

I take SJW and like you fish oils and a high vitamen b complex. I do find it helps and after 4 months on cipramil i felt that that wasn't helping me.

It is upto you at the end of the day but I think you manage to do well tbh. Maybe review some other things that might be affecting you?

take care.


24-11-05, 18:38
Hi Sarah,

Thanks for your post, I have just bought some SJW so i think I will give that a go first. I forgot about Rescue Remedy, I haven't used it for ages and it did help. At the moment I am buying a house and when it completes which should be next week there is quite a lot of work to do on it so I know this is putting a lot of extra stress on me. Having said that I know my anxiety was getting worse before there was even talk of moving house. Health anxiety is my main problem and the last few weeks I have had headaches daily and a pressure like feeling in my head. Painkillers seem to help but I dont want to live on them.

24-11-05, 20:39
See your doctor, stop any alcohol, too much tea and coffee and have a good read of this site, everything you need regarding educating yourself will be here.

I take an antidepressant, on eof the older ones, which helps me with both depression and anxiety, BUT people respond in different ways to drugs.

I found cutting down on my cannabis use and exercising very helpful and I dont eat rubbish.