View Full Version : Can you get pregnant..

29-12-09, 14:06
whilst on your period?

I am a 34 year old women and i feel so thick that i don't know the answer to that question.

My BF and i did "it" during my period when the blood flow had stopped, my cycle is a bit odd. On for 3 days, off for 2 then back on for 3 days..

...anyway, without too much information, we used nothing. What are the chances??

Should i start worrying just yet?


29-12-09, 14:17
Well, as far as I know, generally not.

But apparantly sperm can survive for something like 48 hours once outside of its 'natural habitat', so could still be active even once your period has stopped, if you get me? Unlikely though. Why not get a pregnancy kit to put your mind at ease?

I'm sure it will be fine.

29-12-09, 14:21
Because i am still 'on' i guess it's just going to be a waiting game for the next 4 weeks :)

29-12-09, 14:53
You could take a "morning after" pill available from the chemist if you want to make sure that you are not - you can take them up to 72 hours after the "event".

If you don''t like that idea, there's no need to wait 4 weeks. I had a positive counter-bought pregnancy test at 5 days.

Good luck!

29-12-09, 15:07
I had the morning after pill about 2 months ago after the condom broke. I don't fancy another just yet.

04-01-10, 05:39
Yes you can get pregnant! That is an absolute! As long as you are comfortable with the possibility that you may end up pregnant nothing to worry about. If pregnant is not what you want to be.. stick to contraception...or my fave...abstinence LOL