View Full Version : Tai Chi

29-12-09, 14:10
Hi just wondered - Can anyone recommend a BASIC tai chi DVD?
I joined a class a couple of years ago - i loved it BUT it was toooo slow for others and it closed.
I DO NOT want the Martial arts one and I don't want one that tells me the history etc of Tai Chi.:blush:
I know this sounds 'fussy' but the last DVD i bought was £15-99 and said it shows basic moves to help with breathing ....... weellllll i sat and watched and waited while this person rambled on and on then showed some basic moves that would be explained in the next edition...
I do not want to keep buying, and giving these to charity shops.

Just want to enjoy the ""airy fairy"" gentle movements. learning to breathe better thro pleasure.
Thank you

03-01-10, 15:31
:unsure:i suppose no one has any good titles to tell me about??:shrug:

03-01-10, 18:54
Just a suggestion June as I see there have been no replies..what about having a look on Amazon?

There are always customer reviews of the products as well as a description, it might help you find what you're looking for.

Happy hunting :)