View Full Version : Is this all really anxiety?

29-12-09, 14:36
Hi Everyone,

Over the past 2.5 years I've had really good times where I've felt "normal" but more bad times where I'm plagued with Headaches, lightheadness, fear of collapsing especially when I go out and it's really effecting my life. I have had a MRI which came back clear, had physio, seen a chiropractor, brought endless vitamins, seen a neuroligist twice, doctors you name it, I've done it. Nothing seems to help. I look at my friends and just wish I could be them for 1 day, just to be headache free as it is absolutely exhausting. I have 3 young children to look after and I must admit, without them I would properly spend every day in bed!
I felt great on xmas day, we had 11 for lunch and it was brilliant then woke up with a headache and funny vision on Boxing day and I've had it ever since. I'm so tired and could sleep at any second during the day. Do you think all this is really anxiety? I can't understand why I feel so rough. I'm supposed to be taking my kids swimming today but I can't as I feel I'll pass out in the pool and then we'd all drown! I just want to be headache free. Any ideas or thoughts would be great.
Many thanks,

29-12-09, 14:49
It does sound like anxiety. Have you asked your doc about the possibility that it is and of receiving some support or therapy?

There are many of us on here who get through each day just because of caring for our kids. Anxiety can be far more debilitating than people realise. If you possibly can, please try to keep going out. Overcoming agoraphobia is very hard work. I know!