View Full Version : am I ill

29-12-09, 15:52
I don't feel right at all - all shaky, and wobbly, my legs are like jelly and I get moments where I feel like I'm dreaming.. my heart's been thumping all day - I think I've got some kind of blood sugar problem. I can't get my fingers to work right either, and my head feels tense? I want to phone doc but apparently theres no need.

29-12-09, 16:51
who told you there is no need if you dont feel well no harm in talking to gp would put your mind a rest

29-12-09, 21:29
All symptoms sounds like anxiety/stress related, but if you are worried about it and if it is interfering with your daily tasks, why not see your doctor for peace of mind? Have you been under more stress or anxiety than usual? Keep us posted on how you're doing...

29-12-09, 22:31
Those symthoms sound like anxiety to me, ive also woke up a few times feeling like that and my doctor told me that it was possible for me to have panic attack in my sleep with out even knowing it and that is why i wake up all shakey... it also makes me feel dizzy and unbalanced! you should still see your doctor to make sure but sounds alott like anxiety to me :hugs: