View Full Version : Sleep Anxiety

29-12-09, 20:47

Just wondering if anyone worries about the amount of sleep they have?

Sometimes if I feel a bit tired I literally worry like mad that Im going to like pass out from exhaustion the usual stuff like that.

I feel like Im constantly thinking about sleep and planning sleeps during the day and things like that.

Im not sure if this has been brought on by working shifts.

All replies are appreciated

29-12-09, 21:14
My worries with sleep are a bit different...Eventhough I typically get 7-8 hours of sleep everynight, I still suffer from fatigue and that "heavy head" feeling. Many days, I just want to lie back down and sleep the day away. I am sure mine sleep issues have more to due with depression brought on by my HA.

29-12-09, 21:18
hey there.. i dont think tihs is anything to worry about.. i have insomnia i get aout 4 hours of sleep everynight.. i know people will say oh my thats not healthy! but ive been on meds and nothing helps its been going on for years now.. every so often ill sleep 6 hours and i feel great after that... there was a point in my life where i was sleeping ever 3 days acouple of hours a night.. that was hard but i never passed out tho! i went to the doctor when it got that bad because i couldnt handle it... i think ive posted a few times about my insomnia ... ive been doing alott better now im sleeping every night.. not as much as some people but its working for me and im happy with it :noangel:

29-12-09, 21:34
Thanks for these replies guys.

Really appreciate it