View Full Version : Dreams and health anxiety

29-12-09, 21:34
Does anyone else remember their dreams - I have very vivid dreams very night and in the morning can remember a fair bit of them which I don't like.
Many years ago I read a dream dictionary which was stupid and some definitions relate to health like having a midwife in your dream means you will have a bad illness and narrowly miss death!!!!!!!!! Of course I can only remember the definitions that fuel my health anxiety. I realise that I dreamt about a midwife 15 yrs ago:) but still everytime I remember a dream that touches on something from this dratted dream dictionary related to illness or death I wake up in such a panic and worry for ages about it.
Anyone else do this or can remember their dreams???
My husband who cannot every remember his dreams:mad: says he might dreams of all the things I worry about nightly for all he knows but this somehow just doens't help me:shrug:

29-12-09, 21:45
Hello, two nights ago i had a very detailed nightmare that i can still remember! I dreamed about the end of the world and i told my friend and she was like wow.. that is a very detailed... i agree it was a very very detailed dream.. and i woke up i was swetting and scared .. i still remember the dream in great detail.. i remember alott of my dreams but this one was strange because it was alott more detailed then others i have had :noangel:

30-12-09, 18:01
YEP !! Happens to me. I read into all my dreams. I keep thinking they are telling me something massive.

I freaked when I dreamt my mum would smash a favourite glass of mine and she did. Was very odd.

Every other dream hasn't came true though but I am glad I am not the only one who suffers with this. It's horrible.

Small little dreams always seem to seem very real and I find myself asking people in real life if anything I have dreamt about of them have came true and they look at me like I'm crazy

30-12-09, 20:56
I have very vivid dreams too and a lot of reacurring ones too haven't really looked into mine but would love to know what they mean does anyone know of a website where i could find out

30-12-09, 21:04
i have a lot of nightmares....


always have. they were so bad when i was a kid that i scratched my eyelids trying to wake up.

recently i think it may be partly because i think my hubby watches horror movies when im asleep and because i sleep in the same room as the tv, i think the movies seep into my dreams, so ive told him no horrors when im asleep..lol....pretty tough i know...