View Full Version : I saw my specialist today about my 5 months of hell....

sarah jayne
29-12-09, 21:56
As most of you will know ive been suffering with various symptoms since july. It started when i got food poisoning whilst abroad and ended up in hospital for a week, i honestly thought i was going to die cause i was in so much pain ! When i got home from cyprus i didnt eat for 3 wks and then the headaches and depression began, also my health anxiety went sky high. My doctor kept fobbing me off saying it was my health anxiety and that made me feel worse. Ive had headaches daily ever since and also chest pain and most recently my ankle is swollen and im struggling to walk and ive also got a mouth full of ulcers and pins and needles in my swollen foot and both hands. After constantly going to my doctors and begging for help i was getting nowhere so i went to a new doctors surgery. He immediatly sent me for lots of blood tests and referred me to a rheumatologist, because of the pain i am now taking morphine.........anyway i saw the rheumatologist today and she said its definately not health anxiety, obviously health anxiety cant make your joints swell ! She thinks its all down to food poisoning and its effected the rest of my body, ive had further blood tests today to check for things including reactive arthritis.
Sorry for going on, i just thought i'd let everyone know how it went today and i would also like to thank everyone for supporting me through the worst time ive ever had, especially anxious mum ( bev) whos been there for me all the time even though shes got her own problems.
I know im still gonna be constantly worried til i have a definate answer but its sort of made me feel better knowing thats somethings finally being done....xxx

29-12-09, 22:09
It sounds like you have been having a really hard time.. i hope you get some answers soon.. you must be sick and tired of feeling this way... being in pain can make a person very anxious and depressed.. Im sure they will take care of your problem soon and you will be able to move on and live your life pain free!

Lots of love and support sent your way:hugs:

29-12-09, 22:12
Hi Sarah

im glad you are finally getting somewhere with this, although i know you havent had a definative answer yet, but your consultant seems to be on the case, and hopefully can get a diagnosis for you, and then you might be able to move on, and get proper treatment, its been a terrible length of time to wait,but hopefully you wont have to wait much longer until you recieve proper treatment, and well done you for not being fobbed off.

Hugs to you, :hugs:

tc P x

30-12-09, 02:06
Hello, where did you go overseas? you might have picked up Lymes or Malaria your symptoms sound very much like that.I had malaria.When i came back from atrip to africa i felt rotten for 12months swollen joints depression all kinds of symptoms,ask your doc about viruses picked up overseas.Take care.

30-12-09, 03:04
good on you for seeing a different doctor :-)
I've been ill for 3 weeks, because Ive a tooth infection and then i had the flu.
my god has my anxiety been through the roof, it's so stressful being sick.
glad to hear your getting tests and the doctor is taking your seriously.
i hope they figure out how to help you.
its not fun being sick and i can understand how it can make your mood drop real bad.
hope you feel better soon x

30-12-09, 03:25
Wow, I hope you feel better soon, that does not sound fun at all. It is good to hear that you have a doctor who is taking this seriously now, and taking care of you. Please keep us posted on how you are feeling