View Full Version : Problem with Eyes

29-12-09, 22:43
I was wondering if anyone can help me. For about the last month I have had problems with my vision. It all started at the cinema, when the light was really bright in the side of my vision I could see like a stobe effect. This freaked me out quite a bit but I didnt think too much of it. Then steadily as time has gone on they have got worse. When i go from a bright light place to a dark one my vision will flicker between light and dark like a light is being turned on and off, this does eventually stop but it quite scary when it happens. The worst thing happens at night in the dark. I am having to sleep with a low light on because the dark feels awful. My vision goes all grainy and fuzzy. Its really hard to explain. I went to the Dr and she said nothing sounded very alarming and i should see my optician. He was very kind and saw me the next day. He did an eye exam and found nothing wrong, he believe the flashing etc is due to what they call 'noise' in the head. This happens when we are stressed/tired etc and the brain can no longer dampen stuff out. This initially made me feel better but it still doesnt seem to be getting any better. It is also worth mentioning that i am doing an Eng lit degree and since September have been reading at least 3 hours a day. I'm sorry to have gone on for so long but I was hoping someone else might have experienced this because I feel very alone at the minute and I can feel myself falling deeper and deeper into a state of mind I cant get out of. I dont want to keep feeling like this. Thank you.

29-12-09, 22:50
Hello meg! im sorry your so anxious :hugs: it really dosent sound like anything to be worried about.. stress and anxiety can do things to your vision ... also if you have been tired and working alott... to me it really dosent sound like anything to be worried about.. your doctor would know if it was trust me.. i can say dont worry but i know you will.. i would :blush: but it really sounds like notihng to worry about... im sure it will go away in a few days :hugs: if you need someone to talk to please send me a message :)

29-12-09, 23:00
Wow, 3hrs a day. How many breaks do you have? I had eye problems when I studied at UNI but more blurred vision. I had a weak reading prescription just to help with revising which they did but it was prescribed by my optician. My Father in Law uses 'ready reader' glasses which are just regular glasses with slight magnification (you choose how much magnification you want). You can get really trendy ones in any chemist or opticians!Hope that helps.x

andrea thompson
29-12-09, 23:00
hiya hon
someone posted a similar problem the other day.. please try not to worry cos i think its quite common. i have been reading some books on stress and it affects your whole body... basically the way i understand it is that until your body relaxes sufficiently the symptoms wont go away.
years ago my vision would occasionally flicker - like i was watching an old black and white movie like a charlie chaplin film... that was really scary and i know other people who have had similar symptoms due to stress and anxiety. so please try not to worry, give yourself plenty of time to relax and try to chill out... remember it takes time.

take care
andrea x x

31-12-09, 09:59
Thanks everyone for your replies. Its probably worth mentioning that I am incredibly long sighted to start with so I havent got the best vision to begin with! Its just so hard to believe that something isnt terribly wrong. Im so fed up of panicing when it comes to an obstacle in life. Hopefully the more relaxed I get the more I wont notice it anymore.