View Full Version : Pressure in my Head

24-11-05, 19:28
Over the last few weeks I seem to be getting a feeling of pressure in my head and sometimes it is really bad, does anyone know if this is anxiety related and has experienced something similar?

24-11-05, 20:56
Hey, yea i experience exactly the same thing. It used to worry me but I had lots of tests done and I was given the all clear.

Mine's definitely anxiety related, and it sounds like yours is too. Quite often your neck muscles tighten up when you are stressed giving you this feeling, its nothing to worry about.

Does taking pain killers help? I sometimes find that works for me.

I know its easier said than done but try not to worry about it, it really does subside when you're not thinking about it as much.

Other than that just make sure you're looking after yourself, drink lots of water, eat well and get regular exercise as this all helps.

Hope this helps, if u ever need a chat feel free to pm me :-)

Lotsa love Becca xx

24-11-05, 22:07
Yes yes yes!

All the time really, I oftern describe the hed feelings i get as the worst ones....


25-11-05, 03:13
i experience the same almost everyday, maybe its due to anxiety, or due to cold. But i dont think its something serious, maybe it could be PMS too.

25-11-05, 07:56

Yes i get this too.I used to worry because my neck didnt hurt or anything it was just my head.
It really is stress and tension though.It will go away
Hope you are feeling better today
Hunny xx

25-11-05, 08:26
Thanks for your replies. I definitely have a lot of tension in my neck and shoulders which cant be helping. I have also noticed recently that I sleep with my shoulders very tight and tense, so they never get a break. Something I need to change asap. The thing that I find most frustrating about anxiety is the way that my symptoms change, so i'm never 100% sure that it's anxiety.

Also rajju077, i'd be really really worried if it was PMS, i'm male! I know it's not clear from my name don't worry. Thank you for your reply.

25-11-05, 08:57
* definitely have a lot of tension in my neck and shoulders which cant be helping. I have also noticed recently that I sleep with my shoulders very tight and tense, so they never get a break. *

May well be sole cause .. so what are you going to do about it today ??

Shrugging shoulders 10-20 times slowly , sloooooowwwwly tipping ear to shoulders. Also forward and back as slowly as possible....

Plus all the massage etc that we always recommend


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

27-11-05, 11:03

I can totally concur with you and when this happened the first time it totally freaked me out and felt like my head was about to explode.

This will pass and ease over time do not fear, exercise is very good although you may not feel like it but it does help immensely and keeping your mind occupied with anything to distract you from having negative thoughts.

We'll get through it together, don't worry.

Take care


06-11-08, 22:49
I suffer from bad headaches at the moment. For the past four weeks I have had tension type headache, temple pressure is the only way I can describe it. It won't go away and no pain killer touch it unfornuatly it's driving me absolutely mad. Know how you are feeling.....

21-11-08, 22:50
Hi there,
Im getting this really bad, i have been to the doctors and he said it was tension headache.

19-11-14, 17:06
I have had this for years, but I discovered it has a spiritual cause, i.e. it is caused by non physical beings. When I spoke to my priest, he knew all about it. Seems the Catholic church is quite wise about this stuff.

When people die they often don't believe in an after life so they don't have a 'destination'. They are stuck near the earth because they may have guilt or anger towards somebody. They need help to move onwards and I norlmally help them by leading them in saying the Sinner's Prayer.

This helps them to resolve their guilt or anger and then they can move onwards. Basically I ask them to say after me 'I forgive those who harmed me in the past, I repent for harming others in the past and I ask Jesus to become my personal Saviour and allow me to go into his Kingdom'.

The ones that make you feel terrible and scared are another class of spirit that are quite aggressive and want to feed of you. Hence one can feel terribly tired all of a sudden. One feels very anxious when these ones are around.

With these ones I do the 'binding and rebuking prayer' and send them to the deepest pit of hell. So I simply make a sign of the cross over myself, or towards them if they are in my room somewhere, and say In the Name of the Trinity I bind and rebuke you and send you to the deepest pit of hell forever. I do that 3 times and they just whoosh off.

I know this probably sounds mad, but it works. Those people who sense the heaviness and anxiety are Sensitives. Not everybody is aware, but if you aren't aware that makes you a 'sitting duck'.