View Full Version : HRT for 7 years....

30-12-09, 00:01
:wacko:Had my hormones results today and I have been told i'm going through the change prematurely, In January I start HRT treatment that will last for 7 years It was'nt A shock as such and I felt ok about it until the doctor explained the possible side effects( not good for someone with HA) One of my biggest fears has always been DVT and Dvt is one of the possible side effects plus strokes, my heart starting pounding when she told me, Because i'm only in my 40's and its advisable that I have the treatment for 7 years. I'm feeling very nervous about it now because I cant really say no to the treatment if I dont have it im at risk to lost of other problems. Any advice on this would be great help to me.:unsure:

Going home
30-12-09, 00:22
Hi Kathryn

I'm surprised your doctor has automatically assumed that you'll be taking HRT. I hit the menopause in my 40s too but was never given HRT automatically. I was told to ask about it if I felt I needed it. It was my choice. If you're not sure about taking it then see how you go on without it, you can always ask for it later if necessary. There are lots of natural supplements and food you can eat and calcium tablets help with keeping your bones strong. Look for the alternatives first, its your body and you should have a say in what goes into it.

The menopause isnt trouble free, but I have to say I havent done too badly at all with it...some headaches, flushes (no sweats though thankfully) but its down to the individual. To be honest, I suffered more with my periods and PMT than Ive ever suffered with the menopause.

Best wishes
Going home xx

30-12-09, 00:38
Thanks for your reply. I had an hystertomy when I was 27 so Ive always known or should Is say expected to have HRT earlier, wether or not that has anything to do with not being given a choice as such. My doctor explained that the usual hormone level count is 35 for a women going through the change, today my results came back at 75 so she booked me in for more test and arrange for me to start HRT, I assumed I did'nt have a choice from they way she responded. I'm going to Holland and Barrat tomorrow to see what they have available. Thanks soooo much for your help. :)