View Full Version : Worried about increasing dosage

30-12-09, 00:36
I have an appt with the doc tomorrow and I think he'll be upping my dosage of Citalopram. I just started on 10mg 4 weeks ago but even at the time he said he thought it wouldn't do much, and he was right.

I did, however, get some side effects for a few days - nausea and I couldn't stay awake for longer than a few hours at a time, but these wore off. My sex drive has decreased significantly, although it's started to come back a little in the past week.

I still don't have an appetite, and I still don't sleep well, so it hasn't helped with that at all. But I have noticed that I've started grinding my teeth, rocking back and forth and anxiously tapping my foot/leg up and down since starting the medicine. I did these things before but not as often as I do now.

I'm worried that a stronger dose will make these things worse. Does anyone have any experience of any of this?

This is the first medication I've ever been on. And the first time I've ever mentioned to a doctor that I have problems with anxiety (other than a brief period of panic attacks about 18months ago that I got some short term treatment for), so I don't really know what to expect.

30-12-09, 00:39
Hi, get em down you! :D

I put off increasing my dose for months because I was scared of more side effects -- but I haven't had ONE bad side effect since going from 20mg to 30mg.

Yesterday I stepped up again from 30 to 40mg, so now I am on my full dose, and I feel perfectly fine. I spent MONTHS living in fear of something that didn't happen! Those months of panic, anxiety, depression... God, I was such a fool to stick on that low dose, it really wasn't helping :(

Increasing the dose improved things for me in a matter of days with NO signs of a relapse. My recovery really is underway now.

Good luck :D

30-12-09, 09:28
Hey SaveTheGirl..I was on Citalopram before and when the doctor upped my dosage I didnt get any side effects at all...dont know if its just because the body was already used to it?
You will be fine and remember its worth it if the anxiety goes :P
Good luck
Candy xx

31-12-09, 07:34
Thanks guys. It went as I thought it would - he has increased me to 20mg. He said he doesn't think I will get the bad side effects again so I'm hoping he's right. I'll start my larger dose from this morning.

He is hoping that a higher dosage will start to wipe out those negative things (the rocking etc) that have gotten worse since starting the meds.