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30-12-09, 01:29
For the fear that you're going to die soon??
Or does it just fall into the fear/phobia of death???
Cuz I am constantly afraid that I'm going to die in the near future. It's worsened in the past few months, and everything that I do kinda makes me uneasy.

Like... I might kick the bucket. At any moment. And I used to accept the fact that death could come at any moment, but now, I'm so scared that I'll die without reason, without anyone knowing.

30-12-09, 02:29
Not sure what the word for it is, but just wanted you to know your not alone! That is my exact fear, everday. Its an unshakeable feeling.

30-12-09, 03:27
Its thanatophobia (I think), and you are not alone. I have had that fear since I was young.

You said that its been happening just recently...did anything happen within the past few months to make it worse?

30-12-09, 09:16
I am exactly the same since my mum died 7 months ago. Everyday i am taken over by this fear. Like the rest of you i know it comes to us all at some point but it is taking over my life.
I guess we need to live for now and try and enjoy life instead of wasting alot of it worrying about something we have no control over.

30-12-09, 10:49
your not alone with this awfull feeling freind i get the same,somtimes worse than other days.the past week iv felt unsure and frightened even when im doing jobs around the house or simply taking my dog out,im thinking what if i drop dead here who would find me?,would they be able to bring me back?,its crazy and it makes me depressed that im thinking these silly thoughts,and yet when im on the best side the thoughts dont enter my head,so dont worry love its all just anxious feelings which we all experience at some stage.try thinking of a plesant event that made you feel good it works for me,its distraction thats the key.hope its put your mind at rest.take care freind.:hugs:

30-12-09, 10:59
I have been suffering that same fear for the last 35 years. Just like bellalew describes, when I am out walking (which I can only do by myself within a narrow range-but am better when I am with someone) I am terrified that I will just collapse and no one will find me. I am now on Betablockers- this has stopped the panic and I am hoping that I will be able to get things into better perspective. spasticxoperadiva- I think there are many with that feeling....

31-12-09, 02:55
Its thanatophobia (I think), and you are not alone. I have had that fear since I was young.

You said that its been happening just recently...did anything happen within the past few months to make it worse?

There could be a few things that could make me feel this way...

For example, I have a lot of good things that will be happening in the future, and I don't want my life to end before I expirience those things.

Plus, I have so many friends in different states that I want to see again someday.. And what if I die before I see them again?? I've been anticipating being reunited with them...

And if I die... How will they know??? They aren't in contact with a lot of my other friends, so it's not like the message could exactly be passed on if I do end up dying. And what distress would they go through when I stop corresponding with them? Will they think that I am ignoring them??? I'd just feel terrible if they thought that. Even in death. :scared15:

These things keep me up at night...

31-12-09, 05:45
The general fear of dying is called thanatophobia, and I think the fear of dying soon would be under that general phobia. Like many others have said, I have the same feeligns, and I worry that I will die in the near future and not be able to see my young daughter grow up, or get to experience all the things I've been wanting to do, like traveling more or having more kids. Everytime I get in the car, I wonder if this will be the day that I will get into a fatal accident, and I also have experienced those feelings of worrying about dropping dead without anyone around...I just thought that for a brief moment when I got in the shower a few hours ago. Just know, that you are not alone and many people (especially those with HA) have had those thoughts too. I am not sure if we are allowed to post links from other websites, but I found this article interesting:

http://phobias.about.com/od/phobiaslist/a/thanatophobia.htm (http://phobias.about.com/od/phobiaslist/a/thanatophobia.htm)


31-12-09, 20:49
The general fear of dying is called thanatophobia, and I think the fear of dying soon would be under that general phobia. Like many others have said, I have the same feeligns, and I worry that I will die in the near future and not be able to see my young daughter grow up, or get to experience all the things I've been wanting to do, like traveling more or having more kids. Everytime I get in the car, I wonder if this will be the day that I will get into a fatal accident, and I also have experienced those feelings of worrying about dropping dead without anyone around...I just thought that for a brief moment when I got in the shower a few hours ago. Just know, that you are not alone and many people (especially those with HA) have had those thoughts too. I am not sure if we are allowed to post links from other websites, but I found this article interesting:

http://phobias.about.com/od/phobiaslist/a/thanatophobia.htm (http://phobias.about.com/od/phobiaslist/a/thanatophobia.htm)


That website was actually really useful. =] Thanks. It's actual really weird; I followed another one of the links and it had something to do with the fear of tombstones and whatnot, and ghosts and other things of that genre, and I think I have a counterphobia with all that. I actually seek out my fears, and I want to be scared. It's really weird. I've always been that way. I actually like to expirience the paranormal and such. But I doubt I'd go as far as to like... Having a seance.

Am I making any sense? Or am I just werd....??? :wacko:

31-12-09, 22:46
You make total sense (at least to me)! I also have an interest in the unknown/pararnormal and I love watching shows about haunted places and what not. I also tend to read books about mysterious topics, but when my HA is at its worse, I try to aviod any potential triggers - especially shows/books about death.

Cell block H fan
31-12-09, 22:50
your not alone with this awfull feeling freind i get the same,somtimes worse than other days.the past week iv felt unsure and frightened even when im doing jobs around the house or simply taking my dog out,im thinking what if i drop dead here who would find me?,would they be able to bring me back?,its crazy and it makes me depressed that im thinking these silly thoughts,and yet when im on the best side the thoughts dont enter my head,so dont worry love its all just anxious feelings which we all experience at some stage.try thinking of a plesant event that made you feel good it works for me,its distraction thats the key.hope its put your mind at rest.take care freind.:hugs:

Thats the one I related to, when walking the dog, I think if I had a heart attack now, no one would know I was here (woods) Ive taken to walking her more locally now, near houses.

31-12-09, 23:17
You make total sense (at least to me)! I also have an interest in the unknown/pararnormal and I love watching shows about haunted places and what not. I also tend to read books about mysterious topics, but when my HA is at its worse, I try to aviod any potential triggers - especially shows/books about death.

Yeah! Like last night I watched Paranormal Activity... Granted, it's not real, but although it wasn't, it made me want to know more about things like that, and everytime I read something about hauntings or haunted areas... I get a thrill of being scared.

But I think watching that movie last night was a bad idea cuz I didn't fall asleep till four in the morning. Ha.

If I'm really stressed out and jumpy and anxious, it's not likely that I'd want to take part in anything that could potentially posess me or haunt me for no apparent reason.

Otherwise, I'm a phantasmic phanatic. =P