View Full Version : Hi first post here....

30-12-09, 08:41
Hi, so I posted an intro and am now posting about my problem. Hopefully someone out there can help.

I'm a 27 year old mom to two little girls, ages 22 months and 7 months, and have been having some strange symptoms lately. The doctor assures me that I am fine and that there is nothing wrong with me. But my symptoms are getting worse and I can't ignore that, can I?

I have been getting a dull ache in my chest on the right side. I can feel it from my back, just to the inside of my shoulder blade, and from the front, just under my breast. The ache is kind of deep, like it's directly between those points I just mentioned. It is a very dull, subtle ache that comes and goes, sometimes more persistent or noticeable than other times.

The ache started about 6 months ago now. Right after my second daughter was born (or about a month or two after, to be precise). It came and went sporadically then, but over the last month or so has started to bother me daily. I also have a sort of chest cold like feeling in my chest but have NO symptoms of a chest cold at all, just feeling like my lung is a bit ... ? tired or sick? I know, horrible way to describe it, kind of like the day or two before you come down with a chest cold or pneumonia. Except, in my case, it's been 6 months and nothing has developed into a cold just the ache gets more noticeable and persistent slowly over that time period. And now tonight I noticed it a lot and was also coughing a lot.

The doc has done a CT with contrast, chest X-ray, blood work, the works and told me, basically, "Maybe you should see a counselor, on paper you appear healthy."

So I guess what I'm asking is: could it be the worst case scenario? Something like an infection or irritation of another cause seems unlikely to have persisted under the radar for 6 months. Plus, blood tests were normal. Pleurisy seems unlikely, as the ache is very dull and subtle. Muscle causes, etc. are unlikely to me, as it feels deep and is presenting with chest-cold type feeling and cough.

I don't know. At what point do I trust the doc and the tests (and trust that they were read correctly and didn't miss anything), and at what point do I continue to pursue it further (since it is worsening)? I did smoke for many years before I quit the last couple years, and grew up in a house that was filled with second-hand smoke all the time. I have many high risk factors. Could chest x-ray and spiral CT scan with contrast miss lung cancer? Could the blood work be normal?

If its not that, what on earth could present like this? I have read some crazy google results (I know, I know) about parasites in the lung or liver, or reactions to mold, or whatever. Any ideas out there?

I really just want to be around for a long time for my two little babies. But I don't want to drive my doc nuts either. :) What should I do?

30-12-09, 09:09
Hello Worstcase,

I just wanted to welcome you to the site :) You will get some really good advice here and meet some lovely people :) Maybe take a look at the Health Anxiety section and see if you can find any help for your problem there as I am not that knowledgable in that area..Sorry,

Candy xxx

31-12-09, 06:13
I highly doubt that a CT scan would miss lung cancer...it gives the most detailed view of what is going on inside your body. I know how you feel though, I can a CT scan of my head over the summer, and to this day I sometimes question if it was read correctly, or if they missed something. It is just another issue that seems pretty common in people who suffer with HA. No matter how many tests or scans, we have a hard time accepting that there isn't anything seriously wrong with us. I am also a 27 year-old mother of a little girl, and the thought of not seeing her grow up, or grow up without her mommy is too much to handle sometimes!!!

03-01-10, 08:38
Yeah, thanks guys for the replies! It is too much to handle to think that my husband and little girls could be without me is unbearable! I hope it is nothing and that everything is fine. It keeps getting a little worse every day, but doc insists nothing wrong, so.... I try to just ignore it, but it is really annoying at the very least. I wonder if it could be gallbladder issues under the radar - and it just feels like my lung? Like maybe not necessarily gall stones, but just "sludge" or sensitivity to something. ??? Grasping at anything benign I could think of to explain it away.... Any ideas?

06-01-10, 07:52
So, just an update, doc said there's really no way it would miss it, and he's sure there's nothing serious going on. He's going to do a hidascan to check the functioning of my gallbladder to see if maybe its what's irritating me. We'll see what that shows, but for now I'm reassured...