View Full Version : Is This Swine Flu?

30-12-09, 12:33
On sunday i woke up with a soar throat and "sniffles". But recently i have been feelign really ill. My heads all fuzzy im strugallign to swallow, and i have a blocked nose.

Is this swine flu or just a bad cold/ head cold?

Tasha xxxx

30-12-09, 14:14
Hey Tasha :)

It does just sound like a bad cold to me from the symptoms you've given...do you have a fever..a high temperature of 38 or more? Thats the first thing I was asked when I had flu a few months ago...turned out to be just normal flu though lol

If you are in any doubt ring the swine flu helpline and they will determine from your symptoms and tell you what to do. The number is 08001513513.

Good luck and hope you feel better soon
Candy xxx

03-01-10, 05:51
it sounds like a cold..........
when ever I have had the flu the first symptom always is aches, back aches, legs, arms all hurt. then my temperature will start to go up......
to be honest I've ad the flu 2 weeks ago, god know if it was swine flu, i don't know how you'd tell the difference? some say swine flu is no worse than regular flu.
if your worried go get a thermometer and check your temperature, then all you can do is take some paracetamol if you have a fever and drink lots of water.

claire m
03-01-10, 13:19
when i had swine flu it came on really sudden and i had a high temperature.

14-01-10, 10:07
Also SF is really starting to phase out, it's mainly the seasonal flu and colds that people are getting now (Got this info off one of the local NHS sites) this is of course down to people being vaccinated and well just because people have taken notice and it isn't spreading (Suppose you can also say because so many people have 'had' it that its eased)

04-08-10, 15:32
May just be cold and surprisingly, most people cold in summer. However, diarrhea and loss of appetite, could perhaps be swine flu. You should consult a doctor if you have doubt. I think you should get treatment.

24-09-10, 04:41
This is nothing just bad cold or head cold. In swine flu 's symptoms are there are so much pain in all body joints. And in swine flu you know very fast, you did 't stay long etc, In swine flu you must have to take three day fully rest.

02-11-10, 15:07
Hi there

As far as I know, there is now very little swine flu about as the virus has mostly run its course. It will have turned up amongst the seasonal flu bugs that are around in the winter (if you're in the Northern Hemisphere) and there will be some cases of it. However, from the information that has been published, the virus doesn't seem to have been anywhere near as bad as everybody was expecting; although there were quite a few cases of it in some places, it was fairly mild and there were nowhere near as many deaths or complications than were estimated in the UK.