View Full Version : need some advice

30-12-09, 12:54
Hi all, i am 7 weeks pregnant & me and my 11 months son have been offered the swine flu jab. Obviously the descion needs to be made by me but i am so so anxious about it & every bone in my body is saying no! at the same time im scared about not seeingmy unborn baby if i do get it.

has any pregnant ladies on here had it? x

30-12-09, 12:58
hi tash im not pregnant and not had the jab but my mom has had it and also my husband, my hubbie because of his job and my mom because she is diabetic, all i cant tell you is that apart from being a little sickly for a few days they were both fine, im sure you will be to, do i take it the scan was fine? xxx

30-12-09, 13:31
thanks rebecca :( scan wasnt that great they couldnt see a fetus & im still bleeding everyday besides yesterday. I have a rescan on wednesday to check to see if theres a baby :( x

30-12-09, 14:09
Aww tash :( I hope everything will be good news for you on Wednesday! xx

30-12-09, 21:41
tash i hope everything is ok with the scan, just try and be positive, easier said than done i know, take care xxx

02-01-10, 23:37
Tash, my friend had the jab when she was 7 months pregnant, and her daughter is just fine (1 month old).

I am wishing you the best luck with your rescan and hoping everything comes out well.

13-03-10, 11:48
The H1N1 virus or swine flu is thought to put pregnant women at a greater risk for serious complications. This is certainly true for the seasonal flu. Though about 6% of the deaths in the United States from H1N1 virus have been pregnant women. Some of these women have had other chronic conditions, though pregnancy, particularly in the third trimester is known to make it harder to recover from respiratory infections. Drug companies are currently at work on a vaccination that will help protect people from the swine flu. They expect to test it on volunteers in August. After tweaking they hope to have nearly 160 doses available by October. There are actually pecking orders for who has priority in pandemics for medications. Due to the discordant numbers of pregnant women suffering serious side effects, it is rumored that they will be at the top of the list, after health care workers, though this has not yet happened.
To prevent the H1N1 virus from taking hold here is some advice:

Wash your hands or use hand sanitizer
Avoid sick people
Have a plan if you become ill
Keep household supplies like fever reducers

13-03-10, 13:14
My husband had it and my daughter had it to she was 3 at the time, the only side effect they had was an ache in the arm where they had it done.