View Full Version : A Merry Xmas for myself

30-12-09, 13:44
Hey all,

Being someone who has had panic episodes in the past and smaller ones now and again, I just wanted to share a wee story to help people show that there is light at the end of the tunnel and that we tend to forget the good things we can now do with the restrain of worry and anxiety.

My thing was that I found it nearly impossible to eat at Restaurants, social gatherings, even in the house with my family. That gradually spread into other aspects of my life, many of which I enjoyed beforehand and that was the most upsetting part of it.

I went 2.5 years without going to a doctor to see what was wrong because although I was having these episodes, they were so intermitent that it was infuriating ( which also at the time, unknown to myself, proved that the symptoms did disappear, which meant that I could calm myself down and turn off the anxiety tap).

Tried Citalopram: Only made me sick and dizzy

But through talking to people who also suffered from anxiety, using self help books and some CBT ( I found it to be rather deconstructive in the thought process, however, it did have some benefit) I started my road to recovery. :yesyes:

I would force myself to sit at the table at meal times, order the biggest thing on the menu in restaurants ( to the pain of my girlfriend and parents purses/wallets) and I took myself to the places that i didnt like to go to show that there was nothing to fear.

One thing that got me going especially was the realisation that you really have to step up to the plate and face the fear. That and stop reading about the symptoms and look towards the self-help sections, which I never looked at before, it's one of the biggest things that people with anxiety dont do.

So this Xmas we went out to a Restaurant and the only thing that had me worried was the time it was taking for the flipping food to come from the kitchen :roflmao:.

Hope you all have a Happy New Year!


30-12-09, 13:49
It was really nice to read your positive post Andy, it's great that you are doing so well.

I guess for many of us we know what to do-it's just having the strength and courage to see it through!

A very Happy New Year to you too :D

30-12-09, 14:05
Well done Andy!!!

That is really positive and good advice!!!

Glad you had a good time and didnt have to worry!

Candy xx