View Full Version : New year fears...

30-12-09, 14:34
Just thought I'd throw this out there and see how people feel about the new year coming up.Does anyone feel hopeful or pessimistic about it in relation to their problems?


30-12-09, 14:35
i think we all worry whatwill things be like next year but after all its just numbers another day another year

30-12-09, 14:51
Yes a very good way to look at it Gypsywoman :)

30-12-09, 14:52
:yesyes::yesyes::yesyes::yesyes::yesyes:thank you

30-12-09, 15:02
The fact its a ''New Year'' I always tend to put too much pressure on myself to change the way I am and it often goes horribly wrong. I dunno if anyone else does that but I fear ill do that this time OR that nothing will change and the new year will be the same as this year which has not be very good to me.

So I think ill try and do as gypsywomen suggested and attempt to take it as just another day and keep going at the pace I am at the moment.

Ill be happy once new years eve is over I always feel depressed and really anxious then.


30-12-09, 16:45
I'm dreading the New Year, I always feel like worse is going to happen, and I've been through some bad times. Each year I seem to fear it worse than the last, I like the idea its just anothe day though, Because I hate ants I dread summer but hey I;ve had 2 thes past through days, including 1 climbing up my leg,no wonder I'm dreading it lol!! One possitive for the past 8 or so weeks waas doing really well despite lots of other' probs I'm trying to convince myself I can do it again. Glad I'm not alone and thanks to you for sharing your thoughts, 'I'm not the only one':hugs:

Mr Guntrip
30-12-09, 18:20

There are a lot of things I want to achieve next year i.e move out of home, get a girlfriend, change job etc.. Perhaps what I fear is being stuck in the same position and having the same worries and anxiety issues this time next year.

Mr Guntrip

expecto patronum
30-12-09, 21:42

Perhaps what I fear is being stuck in the same position and having the same worries and anxiety issues this time next year.

Mr Guntrip

Me too: I had hoped that 2009 would be the year I would get better, and coming to the end of it is hard because I haven't. Though I've learnt and realised some pretty important stuff, including accepting that I've had GAD for 10 years now, and my therapist thinks I've made huge progress. I know that putting pressure on for 2010 to be the year things change is only going to make it more likely that I have the same regrets next New Year's, but I can't seem to help thinking it all the same.
On the other hand, it's not only for people with anxiety that New Year causes feelings like this, I think it makes most people take stock and evaluate what went right and wrong in the past year.
Anyway, hope you all have a good New Year, you never know what the future holds :winks:

30-12-09, 21:44

I am hopeful it will be a good one and scared i wont be here for the next one :blush:

30-12-09, 21:55
It's another day towards the spring, light nights, flowers and sun.

Trying to feel positive about anything is hard in the cold, grey depths of winter here in UK. I don't have anything particularly to look forward to, so for me New Year's Day marks the start of warm hands and shedding my layers of jumpers.

I hope it's a good year for you all :hugs:

30-12-09, 21:59
That's a lovely way to look at it Maddie... yes oh I can feel that sunshine just reading your message.. one small step each time that is what I'm being told so that's how I am taking it when I look too far ahead it makes me anxious as I start to think of the what ifs again..then I have to calm down and think small steps and continue making my cake...

30-12-09, 22:44
I usually find the beginning of the year hard with the rain and dark weather but I'm trying to stay positive.

30-12-09, 22:57
I agree with maddie....it will be nice to have lighter nights and warmer days.

I hoped in 2009 that I would have conquered all of my demons. Needless to say I havent but I have improved alot so heres looking forward to 2010 and a few more baby steps on the road to recovery.

One day at a time is what I say. :)

expecto patronum
31-12-09, 22:41
That's a great way to look at it Slothette, and very brave.

I like your quotes by the way, not heard those before!

31-12-09, 22:59
lol....thanks expecto.....glad to see another Harry Potter fan on the site. :D

31-12-09, 23:35
I'm sat here, it's twenty to 11 at night and my mind is racing and my heart beating. I've got all kinds of stupid things going on in my head. Does anyone else feel like this, tonight especially?? Grrr!!!
Regards for a happy and healthy new year, X

01-01-10, 00:55
Cakey,I think there have been many wise and helpful suggestions to my original post.The theme that seems to run through the whole thread is one of taking each day as it comes and perceiving the date as just a number,which after all,is just what it is....a number and nothing more.

Thank you for all contributions, Fishy

01-01-10, 02:19
I was feeling ok a few hours ago when I was with a friend. Now faced with a new year alone...and lots of things to harm myself with am I'm scared!! xx

01-01-10, 09:11
I dread each new years day, waking up with the thought of my wonderful Grandad, who passed away 24 yrs ago today. My first thought is always of him. This year i'm thinking possitive, and my thought of him this morning made me smile. This date has been a bad date in the past but it is just numbers! My plan for 2010 is take each day as it comes, i cant really know what will happen tomo, so why try to predict it.

Wishing everyone a happy and healthy 2010 x

Remember: you can't eat an elephant all at once, little and often and you will get there.

magic girl
01-01-10, 11:29
last year was a really bad year for me especially my beloved nannar passing away in june(i really really miss her)and so many other things went wrong so im glad to see the back of 2009 and hopefuly this year will be better.like others im looking foward to the longer days and the warm summer sun,i always cheer up when the spring bulbs start to flower:D:D
happy new year everyone:hugs:

01-01-10, 11:54
I always seem to feel bad new years eve and then today now its new years day. I feel today like I did not achieve many of my last years goals, and am often wondering who I am, who is me under all these problems. As this has gone on over 40 years now. but looking back at 2009 I can read from my journals I did do more than the year before. So why should I not expect to go a lot further this year.... It will maybe take a few days for this to pass and get settled into the new year and await some warmer weather and more light and start driving around again and hope to get back to UK this year once again.

01-01-10, 13:27
thought i was ok last night but woke up today feeling low,anxious about feeling low and scared about where this anxiety will take me :huh:

01-01-10, 14:27
It's another day towards the spring, light nights, flowers and sun.

I like that idea....thinking I'll stick with that, thanks

01-01-10, 14:40
thought i was ok last night but woke up today feeling low,anxious about feeling low and scared about where this anxiety will take me :huh:I too often feel like this on new years day Julia.However,once we start to move ahead into January and things get back into a routine,I find this fear of the 'new' tends to lift.Also I find the recent disruption of xmas leaves me not knowing what day it is,which doesn't help either.Try to keep your chin up and we'll ride this out.

Take care now,Fishy