View Full Version : Nearly Fainted...

30-12-09, 18:10
I had a blood test..they are checking for anemia and thyroid function...anyway, I had the test...Two tubes were drawn from me...I was walking home..And abt ten minutes after id left the surgery I nearly fainted..it felt horrible..And now im so scared given my other heart related symptoms.......I have been referred to see a cardiologist...I have had 2 ecgs and nothing was found...

30-12-09, 18:12
could it have been the blood test that caused this?

I mean ive been to the hospital abt my heart and they found nothing...It seems to me tht my heart isnt funtioning well under stress..

30-12-09, 18:30
Could be the blood test. Did you leave right after where you could have been a little woozy from the blood draw.
Could also be just plain anxiety. I've had waves of feeling faint and it did feel horrible! But I've never actually fainted.

If you have had tests to check your heart and nothing was found then it isn't your heart.
The hardest thing for me was being able to accept that what I was feeling was caused by anxiety and not some mysterious illness that the doctors just couldn't find.

30-12-09, 18:34
yes, i left right after and felt lightheaded as soon as i stepped outside.

I saw my doctor the day before and he said that ive desctibed classic symptoms of paroxsymal atrail fib....I really dont want there to be anything wrong with my heart..He said that the ecgs basically mean nothing and tht the event needs to be captured..

30-12-09, 19:02
So strange you posted this right now I was about to post something similar. Last night my chest briefly felt 'empty' and it felt as if I where about to pass out, lasted about 5 seconds but as is par for the course I spent the rest of the night and today pretty well scared stiff. In your case something like a blood test can without doubt make you feel faint and like your going to pass out, I have had that feeling before shortly after something like that. I am visiting a cardiologist tommorow morning and am beside myself with fear over what I am going to hear and what it means, do you have any questions you want me to ask him whilst I there?


30-12-09, 19:14
i read abt cardiac causes of syncope and nothing seems to match up...i dnt know jim..minds a bit blank to be honest...the episode has done me on all fronts. just let me know how it goes, ok?



30-12-09, 19:24
No problem mate,

keep your chin up I know it's hard but I am sure the fainting thing
is due to your blood tests it has happened to me a fair few times and it has been delayed at some points, left the docs fine then a few mins later, shaky, tingly tunnel vision and nearly blacking out. I will let you know how it goes tommor, can't concentrate myself at the moment.


30-12-09, 19:43
I will have to agree that to me it sounds like it could be your blood tests ive felt that was acouple of times... about 2 years ago i was so worried about my health id always go to the doctors so they were like.. okay lets give this guy blood tests to make him feel better!:blush: after they took my blood i started feeling abit light headed ... they found nothing wrong with me they said i was probably feeling light headed because of the blood tests :hugs:

30-12-09, 20:01
yes, i left right after and felt lightheaded as soon as i stepped outside.

I saw my doctor the day before and he said that ive desctibed classic symptoms of paroxsymal atrail fib....I really dont want there to be anything wrong with my heart..He said that the ecgs basically mean nothing and tht the event needs to be captured..

I was reading about LAF the other day. Basically it's a way to lump all patients who have no sign of heart problems from tests that have been run on them into a category. All in this category have intermittent irregular heartbeats and/or palpitations.
The plus side is that the 'attacks' (for lack of a better word) aren't life threatening and don't do any damage to the heart muscle itself.
If the doc thinks it could be this then avoid alcohol,caffeine and MSG, ice cold drinks, eating really heavy meals, and lying on your left side while you sleep. All of those seem to be triggers for people with LAF.

30-12-09, 20:06
I hate giving blood. I have passed out multiple times and they always have to give me juice and crackers afterwards and I have to have the blood taken while laying down because I get a head rush and lightheaded. I am willing to bet it may have occurred due to the blood test.

30-12-09, 20:07
thanks sandy....a sober new years eve then eh? that'll be a first.

30-12-09, 20:13
I was reading about LAF the other day. Basically it's a way to lump all patients who have no sign of heart problems from tests that have been run on them into a category. All in this category have intermittent irregular heartbeats and/or palpitations.
The plus side is that the 'attacks' (for lack of a better word) aren't life threatening and don't do any damage to the heart muscle itself.
If the doc thinks it could be this then avoid alcohol,caffeine and MSG, ice cold drinks, eating really heavy meals, and lying on your left side while you sleep. All of those seem to be triggers for people with LAF.

My BIL has this...he found out he had it after a night of too many Red Bulls and vodka (yuck)....ended up in the emergency room thinking he was having a heart attack. I guess the advantage for him is that he has already lost 20 pounds from doing what you said above. And its only been 8 weeks!:scared15:

30-12-09, 20:18
It's my vice too!
I guess this makes you the DD this New Years Eve then :)
Still can have fun messing with the drunks tho mate!

30-12-09, 20:25
ill be seeing a cardio doctor soon so im sure ill get to the bottom of this.

im just going to rest up for a couple of days.

30-12-09, 21:01
did you eat that day?

30-12-09, 21:17
I'm now convinced I've got whatever that heart porblem is :blush: simply because mine quite often races, and I feel shaky and dizzy - especially after overloading on the sugar and caffeine, or alcohol.. I've had an ECG when I was fifteen for an operation - I'm now eighteen, do you think anything could have occured in that time? I'm now worrying.. :lac:*shakes head at my stupid mind*

30-12-09, 21:56
The problem with having a doctor tell you something like 'sounds like' or 'it could be' is because there are symptoms that could be real health issues but are also symptoms of anxiety. It causes the what if part of our brain to work overtime!!! LOL
If I have too much caffeine, alcohol,sugar, or even if I am more tired than usual my anxiety is awful. I know I have no heart issues because I've had every test known to man in the past for fear that I was dying of some undiscovered illness.
If I had headaches I swore I must have a brain tumor. My stomach hurt and I swore it must be intestinal cancer.
I got palps and chest pains and had ECGs, 24 hour monitor, sonograms, stress tests, the works!!!!!!
If you had a ECG 3 years ago the chances are really slim that anything has changed in that time but if you feel anxious then you should see your GP and tell him/her your fear and get retested.

30-12-09, 22:12
did you eat that day?

i had 2 pieces of toast and a glass of milk.

nothing sugary i guess...doesnt having blood drawn lower your bp? which, in turn, makes you feel drowsy/faint..?