View Full Version : question re dentist prescription

30-12-09, 19:11
hi all i have had on going problems with a tooth of mine for about 6 months now. 6 months ago i was in agony with it and ended up at the dentist in tears because of the pain so she put in a medicated filling which was great but it came out last week :(
anyway i got some 'tooth fill' from the chemist but today had to go dentist because everytime i bite down on my tooth i get a dull pain and the dentist says i have an infection in that tooth so has prescribed me amoxcillin 250mg to take 3 times a day for 5 days.
i take 5mg cipralex a day and she said it will be fine to take with this.
im just so scared of taking it as i have a massive fear of taking meds in fact i never even take a nurofen or anything for a bad head ache!
have any of you ever took this med and were you ok on it?

30-12-09, 19:19
Hi Mummy

I have the same fear about meds, i have taken this a few times and was fine, only thing i had was a little bit of tummy ache, but nothing major, wasnt even sick,. your dentist with have checked that your meds were compatable before prescribing it for you, i understand your fear hun, but it will be fine, much better than having all that pain from a bad tooth infection.
Be brave and go take them...

P x:hugs:

30-12-09, 19:27
I'm sure you will be fine with it, the dentist wouldn't have prescribed it for you if she had any doubts that it would help you. I also have a fear of taking meds, especially new ones. I also had an infection from a root canal a few weeks ago and had to take 500mgs of amoxcillin 3 times a day for 7 days. I didn't have any problems taking them, so please don't worry.

30-12-09, 19:39
thanks :)

im terrible i have even googled the side effects grrrrr i frustrate myself so much at times x

30-12-09, 20:59
are you allergic to penciling? i assume you are not so chances are high you HAVE taken amoxicillin at some point in your life. its a very very common antibiotic.
I took amoxicillin 250mg 6 times a day for a week!
for a toot infection. I was anxious the whole time about side effects! but they never came. i figured i would have to take it at some point so i might as well take it now.
now I'm on my 3rd week of taking 250mg's 3 times a day as the toot infection came back.
think about it , the alternative of not taking them is worse, the pus will build up inside your gum and there will be some swelling and it will be very painful.
believe me it's happened me twice!
i did end up having my tooth pulled and I'm having this tooth pulled after new years .
hate the dentist but looking forward to getting rid of the infected tooth.
take the tablets during the day if that helps.
here's a link to my long story about taking the antibiotics!
I hope you won't be as anxious as I was!

30-12-09, 22:58
I had the same problem a few weeks ago and I took Amoxicillin i am on citalopram .It didnt affect me at all .Tonight i bit a hard piece of meat and now my tooth feels weird ...I have another perscription the Dentist gave me just incase of reinfection over christmas ,so if it starts to swell and hurt im gonna take them again ..Your dentist would have to know what pills you take at all times so anything he perscribes is ok ..It ususally feels a lot better after 3 days so hopefully you wont be in pain much longer .Drinking a probiotic drink helps with the tummy thing if you need it ..I was taking a lot of painkillers so it counteracted that side effect luckily .All the best Sue xxx:hugs:

31-12-09, 01:19
I've taken amoxicillin plenty of times for dental stuff. It's a very mainstream and not too strong antibiotic. The only novel effect that you might get is funny smelling pee (sorry, TMI..). Side effects with that antibiotic aren't common, hundreds of people take it all the time.

31-12-09, 07:25
i could've typed this exact thread 2 weeks ago, i am exactly the same as you im scared to take meds except i will take nurofen and paracetimol but nothing else, when i had the abscess i was really anxious bout taking the first amoxicillen (mine were 500mg) but the pain was so bad i didn't hesitate for long and OMG im so glad i didn't muck about to much and just took it because even just after a couple of hours the pain was so much less and the next day it had pretty much gone, take it you wont regret it its so effective and you wont get any side affects its just bread mould thats all :D

31-12-09, 10:34
Just wanted to quickly add on here that it is important to spread out the doses of antibiotics so that you have a regular level of it in your body through a 24hr period. When I was taking mine I was taking one lot at 7am, then 3pm and 11pm. Obviously also important to take all the antibiotics even if you feel better, never ceases to amaze me how many people I know take them till they feel better and then just stop, which isn't a good idea.

31-12-09, 17:25
thank you so so much for all your replies it really does mean a lot.
well i have not taken them and this morning when i woke the pain had completely gone! but i do have the pills so if it comes back i think i will take them.

i have not felt great at all today. im on my period (sorry tmi) and feel very light headed and spaced out :(