View Full Version : palpitations

30-12-09, 19:44
had palpitations all day today, does anyone else have them all day, must have had about 20 missed beats or more

30-12-09, 19:49
had them for nrly two months now...not 24/7..just come and go through the day..I was out walking a few days ago and had a lot missed beats...very, very scary...Ive had ecgs, bp taken..been to a&e..nothing found yet...but yeah, I get them a lot.

try magnesium.

30-12-09, 19:56
i was watching southpark last night when i started to have palpitations it didnt last very long for me but enough to freak me out... i just had a warm cup of tea ... that always works for me! how long did yours last? have they gone away now?

30-12-09, 20:03
i only have one missed beat but sometimes few mins later ill have another then maybe an hour later another ect, there more of a flutter really though today and have freaked me out.

30-12-09, 20:44
I have had ectopic heartbeats since I was in my late teens and am now 48yrs old. I have them every single day at their best I only notice the fluttery thump a couple of times a day but at their worst I can have every 3rd beat an ectopic one and this can go on for days at a time and it is truly horrible. I have had endless 24hr ecg- echo of heart and even monitered in hospital at their worst for 4 days and told harmless but horrible. The Drs said if someone doesn't mention feeling them then they don't tell the patient as they are harmless.

30-12-09, 22:03
Please try not to worry. I had a 24 hour monitor last week and it registered 6000 missed beats and the cardiologist has left it up to me if I want treatment for them, saying that nothing serious is going to happen and it depends if I want to just live with them. I know they are a nuisance but they'll probably calm down eventually - that's what I'm hoping anyway!! It's reassuring though to know they're not dangerous.

31-12-09, 02:48
I have them every day. Sometimes they drive me nuts and take all my energy and sometimes not. I had a 3 way bypass 15 years ago and for me after 3 MI's its part of life. My cardio says I just have to learn to live with them and they aint gonna kill me.. Now my damn anxiety, thats another topic...

31-12-09, 08:40
thanks everyone for replying. they subsided slightly last night so i was able to sleep but ive got up this morning anxious in case they start again! its a never ending vicious circle!

31-12-09, 09:32
Don't worry too much. I know they feel bad and scary as I have had them for about 15 years. Even went to see the heart specialist who told me that some people just have these and have to learn to live with them because they are harmless. I get the skipped heartbeats, racing heart and sometimes it feels like my heart actually does a flip inside. I think the racing heart is the worst and it has caused me to not be able to sleep many nights. As I'm typing this I wonder if it has anything to do with Anxiety as well???

31-12-09, 12:33
For the past few months, I get them all day, every day and hate the feeling, esp long runs when I feel dizzy too.

31-12-09, 21:52
I am finding the more I read here, that anxiety can cause a HOST of symptoms, some heart related. I am the proud owner of several. There's a document on this site about Health Anxiety etc and SYMPTOMS. I would ask you to read that and you may be shocked, as I was, to find out how much damage anxiety can do to you. Im a Type-A, just retired from a high stress job, and am having a heluva time. We all need prayers...

Bets wishes...

31-12-09, 21:58
it should be remembered tht although anxiety is the most likely culprit for your symptoms a visit to the GP or even A&E if you are that concerned, should be made.

04-01-10, 13:13
I get these quite often.

It can feel as though my hears 'flops' or 'sinks' in my chest or sometimes my heart throws in an extra beat - it can be very alarming.

Worst ever is if I bend down (i.e. to lift something from the floor and then sit back down my heart does a might thump, like an extra beat)...

Had an ECG one time, it found nothing.