View Full Version : Very Sad and Lonely!

30-12-09, 19:58
Ive posted a few times before so some of you might know that Ive been suffering from anxiety and depression. Part of my anxiety stems from loneliness, even though I live with my mum Ive always felt quite lonely. When im on my own for long periods of time I start to feel very sad as well. Ive now been on my own since early yesterday afternoon and the longer Im on my own the more I start to feel like im going crazy. I really hate it and I dont know what to do.

30-12-09, 20:02
Hi oscar...being alone is very difficult sometimes and loneliness is hard for anyone not just people who have anxiety problems.

Don't forget youre never alone on NMP.

Have a hug from me :hugs: xx

30-12-09, 20:04
Ur not alone if you have us to talk 2 online we will always listen and respond i suffer from GAD i have my hubby and son at home probably old enuf 2 b ur mum but still feel lonely at times as they dont really understand at times.

30-12-09, 20:28
hey there.. im sorry your feeling alone right now but your not alone you have nmp's love and support and you have me to! if you want someone to talk to send me a message and let me know i have alott of spare time lately and its always good to have company :hugs:

30-12-09, 21:05
Hi Oscar im Sammie... Im sorry you feel like this. Especially this time of year. I myself have anxciety and deppression but in away i have learnt to control it. Its still always there but its under control. The way i have learnt is by going for walks. Although you may be thinking whats going for a walk going to do? It really helps because your body releases good endorphans and the fresh air completely clears your head. I also found that standing up and saying OUT loud. Snap out of this Sammie. you are strong and you can fight this.. Just always thinking posistive because anxciety likes to be fed and it will love nothing more than you sitting there feeling like this but if you dont think it you dont feed it. You tell yourself that you wasnt born with this so you will NOT have this forever and you will fight back because you are STRONG and you are determined not to let this win. Sorry for waffling i hope this helps xxxx

30-12-09, 22:52

I have problems with this too. In fact, I had counselling today and talked a lot about it. I'm a bit too tired to write much but if you want to PM me then I'd love to try and help :hugs:

magic girl
31-12-09, 16:14
hi oscar 1 if your feeling lonely just pop on here there is always someone about and if you want to p.m me please go ahead im often floating about on here so please dont feel alone you have got us lot to natter to:hugs::hugs: